the Court in Randers, denmark has just sentenced the 37-year-old eksrocker Malik Karim Ali Thorsen 20 years in prison for the killing of a 30-year-old man at the Randers tropical zoo last year.

It informs the news agency Ritzau.

This is the former rocker was sentenced to a historic high penalty in a drabssag, where for the first time there has been a conviction for the aggravating bandeparagraf 81b.

the Paragraph is used, fol.a. by shooting on the public street and shall increase the base penalty until the half. It was, therefore, contribute to the fact that the penalty has reached 20 years.

while the case has Malik Karim Ali Thorsen, who was previously known as the Mads Anker Stæhr Thorsen, acknowledged that he was behind the killing shot, which fell shortly before midnight 22. december of last year.

He believes, however, that he acted in lawful necessary self-defence because he felt threatened.

The explanation for choosing the court earlier Friday to override in their assessment of the case.

the Crime After the killing: How tried eksrocker to hide the tracks

In its claim on the historically harsh punishment laid the prosecutor Birgitte Ernst special emphasis on the fact that the killing was callous and occurred at a public place, and that Malik Karim Ali Thorsen has previously held skarpladte guns.

She is very satisfied with the verdict.

the Court has sent a clear signal, and partly to the use of firearms on a public street is something that must be severely punished. First, whether you are willing to use section 81B fully and give 20 years in prison, which is the maximum, when there is a timed penalty, says Greg Ernst to the Extra Blade.

The 20-year-old Jonas Jørgensen and the 39-year-old Pernille Klarskov Jeppesen, who was present during the killing and fled with the assassin, was also sentenced respectively. two and two and a half years in prison for possession of firearms under particularly aggravating circumstances and car theft.

The 37-year-old eksrocker appealed against the verdict, while the other two asked for a reflection period in relation to that appeal.

As the only was Jonas Jørgensen released after the verdict.

– It is though, that my client can come home and have christmas with his family, said after hearing from his lawyer Peter Secher, who points out that the court has given Jonas Jørgensen a less severe punishment, than the law otherwise provides for.

– the Penalty for possession of firearms in the starting 2,5 years in prison, and it is a tough punishment in itself. When the court has gone down on the law, the minimum penalty is two years in prison, there is also a signal that there is a little special case, says the lawyer for the Extra Magazine.

Together with his client, he has now 14 days to decide if they will go through an appeal. If Jonas Jørgensen is not the anchor, he will be called to serve in the new year.

Detective Guilty of killing: Here is eksrockers gloomy past

It was a random passers-by, who found the body of the 30-year-old man early on the morning of 22. december before familieparken Randers Rainforest.

According to the obduktionserklæringerne he was killed with a single shot fired at point-blank range through the right eye.

then followed a large-scale politijagt on the merits of the three defendants, shortly after the killing fled over the German border and was arrested after two days on the run at the Neumünster north of Hamburg.

along the Way in the matter it emerged that the 39-year-old woman and the 20-year-old man was driving with ex-rocker out to the crime scene shortly before the killing.

Here was the 30-year-old victim met up on behalf of a friend in order to clarify a discussion about a few thousand dollars.

Quickly in the investigation, it became clear, however, that the 39-year-old woman and the 20-year-old man did not know that the meeting with the 30-year-old man would end in the brutal murder.

Why is it only ex-rocker, as the matter has been indicted for manslaughter, while the other two have been charged with possession of drabsvåbnet.