By 252 votes for, 16 against, and 76 abstentions, the Senate dominated by the right validated this text, which had been the object at the beginning of the week of an agreement with the deputies.

The Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal hailed “good news for the French” in the face of the “energy shock”, while “the high cost of living is putting our society to the test”. Flagship measure, the energy check, from 100 to 200 euros per household, will be paid by the end of the year.

Other provisions include aid of 230 million euros for households heating with wood, support for universities for their energy bills and even the financing of the extension of the rebate of 30 centimes per liter at the pump until in mid-November.

The senators have allowed extensions in favor of communities, in particular for the repair of bridges and roads, for a total of 100 million euros.

The general rapporteur Jean-François Husson (LR) welcomed this collective budget going in the “right direction”, while keeping control of the accounts.

The LR, Centrist Union, RDPI groups with a Renaissance majority, RDSE with a radical majority and the Independents came out in favor of the text, the Communists against, while the Socialists and Ecologists abstained.

Eric Bocquet (PCF) deemed this package of measures insufficient as “inflation is confirmed”.

“Inflation should remain high” and aid will be distributed in a “more targeted” way in the future, confirmed the minister, noting that “our economy is resisting”.

In the National Assembly on Wednesday, where this amending finance bill had been validated by 187 votes against 60, the Communists and the elected RNs had voted against, while the other left-wing groups had abstained, as had the deputies. LR.

To pass its text, the government did not have to engage its responsibility by article 49.3 of the Constitution, as it did for the 2023 budgets of the State and Social Security, in the course of exam.

Gabriel Attal argued that “there is no small victory”, and that this “co-construction” is “the method expected by the French”.

This validation shows “the capacity of Parliament to work in good intelligence”, “as long as the government hears”, retorted Stéphane Sautarel (LR).