“My election into the governing Council would be a miracle,” says Hans Egli, “but I believe in miracles.” The 53-year-old Egli is a farmer with a beautiful operation and well known farm shop on the main street in Steinmaur. And Egli, President of the cantonal EDU, the party, which is called malice “SVP with the Bible”. “The Bible is my instruction manual for life,” he says. And the Bible is his political compass to the biblical miracles: Egli is against abortion, against assisted Suicide, and he is for the performance principle, which he derives from the parable of the entrusted talents in the gospel of Matthew.

In the budget of the Eglis frömmelts but not. They are normal members of the reformed Church and kirchler how many in the EDU. Hans Egli would have been-as a young farmer in the EPP or in the SVP. But the former EDU-the national Council Markus Wäfler, also lives in Steinmaur, he took perch in the EDU. Today, Hans Egli is glad of his decision. The EPP is to the left. And the SVP is focused tightly on the Welfare of the Rich.

A left-wing Conservative

Egli is to stay in agriculture, a Jack of all trades. His political profile is diverse: just to the left of the middle, but clearly on the conservative side. He is to control for left-wing issues, such as more Tempo-30-zones in Neighbourhoods, Mobility Pricing, higher Kerosene, 16 weeks parental leave, higher taxes for the Rich and for the disclosure of large campaign contributions.

On the other hand, Hans Egli against the release of Cannabis, against Sunday work and longer shop opening hours, for more social detectives, against more funds for the Integration of foreign young people as well as against foreign countries, the army operations.

With this profile are Egli and his EDU a sought-after Partner in the cantonal Parliament. The one on the left as the right Block lobbying especially in the case of ED-Ulern, because you can play tip the scales. In the case of Egli is not that simple, because he is considered to be particularly steadfast. The largest of all the Lobbyists in the Council, the Green Gabi Petri says: Hans Egli holds on to his Beliefs, even if they are unpopular, and he is not in the Trend. Egli was “honest and authentic, so as you can see, it is rare in politics”.

An example: Egli recently took part in a panel discussion of Secondas Zurich to migration issues. In spite of the majority of left-wing audience, he held on bravely to the fact that police officers should not have two passports. Critical Demands and derisive laugh drove him argumentative and hopelessly Offside. However, Egli remained firm. Other examples: He always fights in Initiatives against the Sexmesse in Oerlikon, from flashing but on a regular basis. The two EDU-popular initiatives “Against the death tourism” and “For the protection of marriage” bachab went to the ballot box. “We are fighting for our Belief, if it is to win a potted plant,” says Egli.

The secret Youtube-Star

What few people know is Hans Egli is a Youtube Star. His happy choice video “Hans Egli, a family man” was 18’000 times clicked, on Facebook even more than 160’000 times. On Eglis farm there in the movie-hearted calves, 45 contented cows, plump, full berries, perennials, lots of crusty bread and a whole bunch of happy, smiling people from the grandson about the three adult children of a wife Jolanda, a from Grisons from Disentis. “We share work and family,” says Hans, Jolanda slyly adds, “especially the budget, and bed.”

the Latest concern of Hans Egli and EDU people’s initiative is “More money for families”. The EDU, supported by the EPP group, calls for an increase in the child allowances (to a minimum of 300 Swiss francs) and training allowances (to 375 francs per month). Objective: Due to higher family parents can take care allowances for their children more yourself. Egli wants to fight back against the “one-sided family policies of the major parties, because this would be Weak in either the social or the Richest favor”. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 07.03.2019, 11:53 PM