The Zurich-Iluska Grass, which was against neo-Nazis to the military, has received this year’s “Prix Courage” by the “observer”. A price for your life’s work, Ponte went on Friday to the former Prosecutor, Carla Del.

The 28-year-old from Zurich, sheltered four years ago, an Orthodox Jews from neo-Nazis, informed the organizers of the “Beobachter Prix Courage”. Grass was on a Saturday night over four years ago at the Zurich-based manesse course, as you heard shouts of a lying on the ground by Orthodox Jews.

The young woman stood between the drunk the Right-wing lying on the floor of the Jews. “I have not thought too large, but just acted,” said Iluska Grass.

The main offender, a repeatedly convicted neo-Nazi, came largely thanks to the Grass in front of the court and has been convicted for racial discrimination and assault to a prison sentence. The Zurich Supreme court sentenced the offender at the end of February 2019 to imprisonment for a period of twelve months. In addition, he must pay the victim 3,000 francs satisfaction.

the choice of The “Beobachter Prix Courage” was made by the audience via Online Voting and by a Jury of seven. Was presented with 15’000 CHF prize in Zurich by the former Aargauer member of the cantonal government and of the Jury President Susanne Hochuli.

“Beobachter Prix Courage Lifetime Award” for Carla Del Ponte

The one with 10’000 Swiss francs doped “Beobachter Prix Courage Lifetime Award” was awarded this year Carla Del Ponte. The Swiss Prosecutor and diplomat who has fought all her life for misdeeds remain unpunished, among other things, she was chief Prosecutor of the International criminal court for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.

“Carla Del Ponte spent their time in armored cars, to the UN conference and to often fruitless talks with diplomats tables, the words attach more significance than deeds. But you could never get under” said observer editor-in-chief Andres Büchi, in his speech. You’ve had the courage to tell the truth, because she was fearless against the Mighty.

due to health reasons, Del Ponte could not attend the award ceremony. (Dec/sda)

Created: 01.11.2019, 19:14 PM