Just before christmas, got the Danish dyrevernsorganisasjonen Animal Protection into an injured cat. A person had found it in his garden, and in shock, run it to the reception. It had been cut off both ears, and had a wound on snuta.

– It was in strong feberrus and was terrified of people. It was hard on all of us here at the department, tells the manager of the Animal Protection Roskilde, who received the cat, Henrik Hertz.

the Cat was immediately treated by a vet, and was put on pain killers.

Unusually brutally

the Organization is convinced that it is the people who are behind the brutal battering.

– It is undoubtedly a man who stands behind the battering. By the symmetrical and clean cut is fagpersonenes assessment that they must have been cut off with scissors, ” says Hertz.

the Department their annually receives 2500 battered animals. 50% of these cats.

– We receive daily in very lean animals that are dumped in bags, pappkasser or cage to die, for example at rest stops or parking lots. But this case is particularly brutal.

MODEL: Professionals believe it clean the incision testify that the ears are cut off with a scissors. Photo: Animal Protection Show more

I simply can’t understand that someone can do this to an animal, which gives them all their trust and love.

Why cats are particularly prone, he has no clear idea about. The relationship is reported to the police, but they are uncertain whether it will lead them closer to finding out who is behind it.

After the treatment is the cat now on the mend, and when it is fresh it should move in with one of dyrepasserne by the department.

Comprehensive problem

the Abuse of animals is unfortunately a widespread problem – even here in Norway. According to Dyrebeskyttelsen Norway are cats particularly susceptible to violence and abuse, as they often are seen as inferior, compared with dogs.

According to the food safety annual report for 2017, there has been a continuous increase in the number of raising your concerns about poor animal welfare since 2013. In 2017 they received 10 426 messages, and most pertained to pets.

In Norway, namely the Norwegian food safety Authority, in cooperation with the police, who have responsibility for that dyrevelferdsloven observed. Serious violation of the law can be punished with up to three years in prison, but it is demanding for both the Fsa and the police to follow up on all cases.

Why was the country’s first dyrekrimgruppe created in the Sør-Trøndelag police district in 2015, to combat serious crime against animals.

Later Rogaland also had created a private dyrepoliti, and in 2017 granted to the then minister of justice, Per-Willy Amundsen two million to a scheme in the East standings.

In november, in the year reported, however, the NRK that the East politidistrikts dyrekrimenhet is without investigators, because of a large amount of abuse cases that have accumulated during the up. To deal with this, they have transferred investigators from dyrepolitiet.

NB! Powerful images: Had to be euthanized after animal cruelty