Catholic priests from the Polish city of Gdansk has made a burning of the books, which they think is sacrilege, including the popular Harry Potter books. The gospel group ‘TEXT message from Heaven Foundation’ has on their Facebook turned up an image of bogafbrændingen, where you see a priest with a few altar boys stand in front of a fireplace with several books in a big pile.
It writes multiple media including the BBC and the Washington Post
In the pile of books there were also a figure of an elephant, and a mask. On Facebook justifies the religious group of his bogafbrænding with bible quotes that condemn magic. The group is known for its christian messages out via SMS.
The catholic priests have evidently looked sour at the Harry Potter books, although they are the most popular fiktionsbøger in the world. Sold more than 500 million copies of books worldwide.
Some christians also questions the focus on magic, because Harry Potter just fighting against the evil that is personified by the wizard Lord Voldemort.
(the article continues under the picture)
Author J. K Rowling presents here one of his famous Harry Potter books. (Photo: AP)
In the commentary under the advertisement on the Facebook from the ‘TEXT from Heaven Foundation’, there are also angry comments in connection with the priests bogafbrænding.
A critic writes:
‘I have never yet met a single one who wanted to rape, murder, or steal in Harry Potter’s name. But in the bible’s name. Yes. Bad news for you, gentlemen’.
another critic cites the German poet Heinrich Heine, who in 1823 wrote:
‘There where one burns books, one will also burn people’.
the Quote was later seen as prophetic, because the nazis in the 1930s burned the books of written by, among other jewish writers. And later, during The Second world War, the germans began to burn the jews in their many concentration camps.
the BBC writes, moreover, that the Church in Poland in the last month published a report about the sexual abuse of children, revealed that almost 400 priests in the years between 1990 and 2018 had exposed the children to sexual abuse.