Peter Rothenbühler knows the Italian political and media scene like no other: The 70-Year-old is the only Journalist who has worked on both sides of the rösti trench as editor-in-chief.
Broulis, Maudet, de Quattro, Darbellay. Within a few weeks, have sued four of the Italian government councillors and local councillors, journalists and media houses. What’s going on?
These claims are indeed difficult to understand. Local councillors from Bern or Zurich would never proceed in such a manner against critical journalists.
Why not?
Swiss German politicians are used to that media research representatives is critical. In the Romandie they consider research a quick as a conspiracy.
In all parties?
Especially conspiracy theories when catfish are widespread sense of liberty, the party of Maudet, Broulis and de Quattro. As the “day-reported indicator” as the first critical of Pascal Broulis, the FDP of the Canton of Vaud immediately to counter-attack. You asked: “What has this Zurich-based Journalist and now against the liberals?”
Why are politicians from the Romandie action-taking?
Here is also the cultural influence of France is shown probably. The courts in France in the case of violations of the personal rights quickly the high Damages. That is why celebrities and politicians are complaining in France so often.
Were you sued?
of Course, several times. The most spectacular case, but ended lightly: I only had to pay one Euro in damages.
Tell you.
Nicolas Sarkozy was abandoned by his wife, Cécilia. Really, all of the journalists in Paris knew, but nobody dared write it. Only the Swiss Boulevard newspaper “Le Matin” reported. Because we received the most points right, then remained for Sarkozy, the sum of one Euro. But that was an exception. The rule of five-digit sums.
the journalists Are in the Romandie tamer?
for sure you are state creditors. One has a greater respect for the institutions. And the Romandie is still smaller than the German part of Switzerland: the people, You know – and it is so nice to each other. Certain politicians were for years treated such as the sun kings. Journalists turned away from colleagues, the awkward questions researched.
Tell you.
We had addressed the Geneva state councillor and later Federal councillor Micheline Calmy-Rey, on rumours that they have assigned a Person in the Geneva administration before. Calmy-Rey herself thought it was good by the way. She knew the rumors and was glad to be able to deny. The colleagues were horrified. The press Council noted at the time, it was grip, this is a question at all.
this Is still so?
I see encouraging signs. In the affair of Pierre Maudet French-speaking journalists have done an excellent job. The editor-in-chief of the “24 heures” has given in connection with the reporting of Pascal Broulis in an Editorial, you had to deal with politicians to be circumspect. Earlier there Broulis was titled as “President of the Vaud population”.
What will keep the catfish from their lawsuit-happy politicians?
for example, a well-paid Liberal such as Pascal Broulis now due to unpopular reporting want of money, which is quite bad. And Pierre Maudet initially the restraint in Geneva. Held on to this for a long time at the idea that he was the child Prodigy of the Geneva policy. And he has done a lot. But that’s over now. His poll numbers are bad.
The trip to Abu Dhabi would have forgiven him for the Geneva population. But that he has lied to the population, first of all, the not more. In this case, the weakness of the French-speaking politicians.
In the German part of Switzerland, the majority of politicians have understood that they need to make after an error clean. In the Romandie, it is not yet at the level of 30 years ago: Many politicians think that it is sufficient to say only the bare minimum. You hope it is all under cover. The but it does not.
(Sunday newspaper)
Created: 31.03.2019, 00:11 PM