the Crow is a clever bird. It has been proven again and again the past 20 years.

Now, researchers from the University of Auckland in New Zealand conducted an additional experiment confirming this, writes Alex Taylor, senior research fellow at the university and one of the researchers behind, in Science Alert, according to, where you can also see a video of the crows in action.

It has previously been proven that crows are good to think and plan ongoing; they do one thing, the analyses in this and the acting so on the basis of these analyses.

In the new experiment has demonstrated that crows also can take a step back, analyze a situation in its entirety and then plan the three steps into the future – just as we people do it in chess.

In the experiment were the crows use a short stick to push a stone out of a tube. The stone should they use to dump down on a plateau, which could release a piece of meat.

in Addition to the stone had the crows as a distraction opportunity to grab a longer stick, which they would not use for anything.

the Crows could only see one step in the experiment at a time, and the researchers exchanged around the things after each try.

It meant that when the crows going through the experiment again, then they should plan out in the future, for if they were planning ongoing, they would namely make an error (for example, they would get to pick the long stick).

the Researchers conducted experiments with 14 crows that tried them up to 24 times. The crows performed according to Alex Taylor, the experiment surprisingly well.

One of the crows, Saturn, conducted even the experiment 20 times without making a single error.

According to Alex Taylor indicates the experiment that crows possess the ability to plan out in the future, which is one of man’s greatest cognitive forces.

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