In the Fioramontis at home often end up on German television, for example, the “daily show” of the ARD. Even those things you learned from Lorenzo Fioramonti, the Italian Minister of education and research, as he explained a few days ago, foreign journalists his views on education.

Roman is married to a German environmental activist. If he inserts an English word in his rice send speech, splash, about “high school”, it sounds very accent-free, he speaks five languages. The other day, he said, have one of his children sat in front of the “daily show” and called out: “Look, dad, the talk well of you.”

Mandatory – with notes

That doesn’t happen so often. Italian media tend to be more likely, politicians are hard-especially those that distinguish themselves with original ideas to handle–. In Fioramonti was quite opportune and timely idea, in the coming school year a new school subject to introduce climate change and sustainable development. 33 hours in the year, one lesson per week. At all school levels, from the first primary grade up to the “Maturità”.

“is Mandatory with all the bells and Whistles, so even with the right notes,” says Fioramonti. Thus, he adds, now every Time he is asked, bar Italy, a pioneer service in the world. Italy is in this matter, the avant-garde.

Keeps the Italians in the mirror: Lorenzo Fioramonti. Photo: Reuters

And a little surprised: The Italians have the reputation to be a particularly environmentally conscious people. Environmental protection is considered by many as a luxury, especially for socially disadvantaged citizens. The Italian Green party, the “Verdi” won at the recent European elections, only 2.3 percent of the vote – and that was one of their best results in years.

the Cinque Stelle , in Italy party with the most members of Parliament, the Fioramonti is a member, have a green soul. In the beginning, she was pronounced, the last of which, especially in their government with the right-wing Lega, has suffered greatly.

million for training

what is New is that the young and very young in Italy for the climate and environment of interest: The Initiative “Fridays for Future” mobilized regularly by hundreds of thousands of students, even more than elsewhere in Europe. Fioramonti encourages them to skip school and to follow the call of Greta tuna mountain. “15 – and 16-Year-old say the Elderly, that we should listen to the scientists,” says Fioramonti. The need to think but give.

It is fitting, then, when this Minister has now introduced a new specialist on climate change. The bill is, the teachers should be trained starting in January. Ten million euros are available for it. The new tray does not claim additional hour, it will be taught in the context of the “educazione civica”, the education of citizens,.

complexity level

The complexity of the substance varies depending on the stage: In elementary school, he is taught in a playful and practical, later, he is about technologies and legal aspects. An international Committee formulated a holistic, interdisciplinary program, says Fioramonti.

The message took a lot of talking, especially abroad: “The New York Times”, CNN, BBC, the “daily show” – all reported. The Italian media reacted by contrast, dull, almost concealed the fact they had the world premiere. “The filter,” says Fioramonti. “You care more for political Gossip.” Perhaps it is also due to the fact that the Mr Minister of education makes so often talk of that the Newspapers leave out something.

BBC, CNN, New York Times: abroad, all of them were interested. Italy’s media, however, moderately.

Fioramonti has threatened, for example, thus, he did not resign immediately, if the government plan in the new budget for at least three billion euros in addition for his or her Department: for higher teacher salaries, smaller classes, and for the renovation of derelict schools. Since the state is just gorge, has been added to the claim as a provocation, although it is of course legitimate.

The 42-year-old Fioramonti keeps the Italians often critical of the mirror, as he himself would be none. He called himself a “cervello in fuga”, a brain on the run. So the Italian Boy, leaving the country – to describe the brain drain.

After studying philosophy at the Roman University of Tor Vergata and a Ph. D. in political science in Siena wandered Fioramonti from. His prospects, to lecture in Italy, had been small, he once said. The selection criteria are much too opaque, and everything was fixed.

Di Maios consultant

In South Africa Pretoria they gave him a chair in Economics, he made a name for himself internationally. Some in the home the fell to. Luigi Di Maio, the head of the Five star, let him advise in business Affairs, and he convinced him to return to Italy. A half years ago that was, Fioramonti won a seat in the chamber of deputies.

Today, he is the most international member of the new Cabinet of Prime Giuseppe Conte. He often draws the foreign models, which might be regarded the Italians as a model, and preferred the German. Now it is but a self-model, perhaps even a role model.

Created: 18.11.2019, 21:20 PM