The three norskalbanske the brothers who today were produced for incarceration in the Oslo district court, charged with gross financial misconduct in the malerbransjen, have several judgments, bankruptcies and tvangsoppløsninger behind him. They also ran a popular nightspot on the Oslo West.

a Total of eight people indicted in the case:

Among them are two ethnic Norwegian painters, where the one of them in addition to malervirksomhet has driven a number of property companies. A previously convicted Norwegian-Turkish businessman (40) acknowledged yesterday his role in the interrogation with Økokrim.

The two elder brothers, and the two Norwegian medsiktede, was ” I in three weeks. The youngest brother was imprisoned in one week, the Oslo district court decided.

Tapped company

In the konkursberetningen from the last firm, the three brothers have been involved in together, believe bostyrer to have discovered a process which the brethren have used in multiple companies. Dagbladet getting stated that a similar approach should be central in Økokrims new investigation.

In the konkursberetningen goes forward that it was not reported wages or kept proper accounting there is also the paid invoices to another company the brothers controlled, without adequate documentation. Invoice was a total of over 900 000,-. It is also improper fradragsført over 200 000 in vat.

It’s paid out over 740 000 more in salary than what is reported, and it is also not made tax deductions or paid national insurance contributions. The brothers have taken out over 770 000,- for private use, without that this is reported as wages or dividends.

After the completion of the audits, the isa tax administration a decision on the amendment of value added tax, national insurance contributions and income tax. In addition, there is imposed a tax for illegal dividends and illegal dividends for one of the shareholders of just over 530 000,-.

Eight arrested in large politiaksjon on the south-Eastern A major

In the konkursberetningen goes up that malerfirmaet apparently only had one customer and that the company was founded to work for this customer.

This customer is Consto AS one of Northern Norway’s largest industrial group, who report having over 900 employees in Norway and Sweden. According to konkursberetningen have the convicts brothers billed Consto AS, for over eight million in 2016 and 2017.

When had the brethren already a number of judgments and bankruptcies behind them.

SORRY: Lena Glosemeyer Fangel in Consto AS saying it was unfortunate that the three brothers were engaged in a millionkontrakt. Photo: Consto AS Show more

the Mission was that of a housing projects in Tromsø, writes Lena Glosemeyer Fangel, communications manager at Consto AS, in an e-mail to Dagbladet.

When the agreement was concluded, we felt that we had made the bakgrunnssjekker that was necessary in order to enable the mission of this newly formed company (among other things, that the company was a legitimate registry company in the Brreg). We were at the time not familiar with the background of the people behind the company. In the way with hindsight we see that it was unlucky to enter into a contract with this company. We take strong distance from any form of criminal activity in the building and construction industry.

– What was the reason why this company was selected, in competition with other companies?

According to our assessments, the company delivered the best offer based on the information we had available.

PÅTALEANSVARLIG: Førstestatsadvokat Marianne Bender in Økokrim. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more Malernettverk

Among other things, writes author and former Aftenposten-journalist Einar Haakaas in the book “Svartmaling – criminals are building the Uk” the middle brother ash money from two now defunct companies with the company Fino Buildings. It was one of the companies that were rolled up in the so-called “Zvonko network” – a very comprehensive norskalbansk malernettverkssak with a number of major government customers as clients.

Tax south conducted in 2012 a tax audit. The tax administration documents then to be able to document the black-momstriksing and fictitious billing.

This also goes up in konkursberetningen from the company in question. Where printer bostyrer that the irs found evidence of extensive fictitious billing, and black payment.

Acknowledge straffskyld

In the course of Wednesday have all the three brothers have been portrayed for varetektsfengsling. One of them acknowledge straffskyld, while the other two do not acknowledge straffskyld after the indictment.

None of the three the brothers ‘ defenders Thor Bache-Wiig, Richard Berg of the law firm Hammervold Pind or Petar Sekulic at the law firm DLA Piper Norway, want to go in on what the brothers have explained in the interrogation.

My client acknowledges straffskyld because he wants to tell about what has happened, but he has not explained himself in detail about it yet, ” says Bache-Wiig to the Newspaper.

Both Berg and Sekulic says that they had sent the material from Økokrim on Wednesday afternoon, and that they do not yet have a sufficient overview of the case. Berg discloses, however, that the details from the konkursberetningen from the last company the brothers were involved in together, is not covered by the indictment.

My client believes to have given an exhaustive explanation as to Økokrim for what he is charged with, and believes he has not done anything wrong, Berg says to Dagbladet.

DEFENSE: Lawyer Petar Sekulic. Photo: Aleksander Andersen / Scanpix Show more Accepting imprisonment

Sekulics client does not acknowledge straffskyld, but accepts varetektsfengsling in two weeks.

– This he does because he has the understanding that the police need to work with the case undisturbed for a period of time, ” says Sekulic to Dagbladet.

It has not yet come fengslingskjennelser in the case. Politiadvokat Marianne Bender says to the newspaper Dagbladet that she may not comment on the details of the case.

– There are eight of the charged persons, who are related to each other by a network, by which we mean that the driver with arbeidslivskriminalitet, ” she says.

Family members indicted in extensive Økokrim case. Businessman (40), has confessed his role in the interrogation