As a new evaluation shows, the place in the nursing home is becoming significantly more expensive. Due to the tariff loyalty regulation and the price increases in energy and operating costs, the co-payments for residents in nursing homes are increasing drastically. On average, the care-related personal contributions and the payments for accommodation, meals and training in Saxony, for example, were 509 euros higher in January than in October 2021. At the peak, the increase nationwide even amounted to up to 1911 euros per month. This is shown by data from the AOK care navigator evaluated by the consulting company NAI Apollo Healthcare, which is available to the “Spiegel”.

In the new federal states in particular, the price increases are massive. This leads to “major problems for nursing homes, those in need of care and their relatives,” says Managing Partner Sebastian Deppe. In the west German federal states of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony, the personal contribution also increased sharply with an average of 418 and 406 euros.

Since September 2022, providers have only been able to settle accounts with the long-term care insurance funds if they pay the tariff or wages based on it. In homes where low wages were previously paid, this increases the costs the most.