Ninove At the cemetery of Outer have thieves a bronze statue on a tomb of the foot is cut and stolen. The tomb was 32 years ago by Wilfried De Blander and his wife Jeannine on the grave of their daughter placed. The couple is the heart.

Cathy, the daughter of Wilfred and Jeannine, passed away 32 years ago at the age of 15 to lymphoma. At the grave of their daughter, they had a bronze statue placed: a half moon with three birds in it. Thieves have that image now above the foot sawed off and stolen. That happened probably in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. “My wife was made Tuesday afternoon to the cemetery and back then, it was still there,” says Wilfried. “Also, when acquaintances of us in the evening around 19 hours to the cemetery went, there was nothing to worry about. Wednesday morning they told us that the image was gone. There we were really not good. We were shocked and disappointed. They must be of your child’s hands off.” Jeannine agrees: “I spent the first night not able to sleep. I was afraid that the thieves would come back for more to steal. I was not happy with more.”

After 32 years

Wilfried called the police. “That came along and looked at whether there are other graves also had been stolen. That turned out not to be the case. Only the bronze sculpture for our daughter was stolen. There is however still something of bronze on the grave. 32 years was the picture on her grave and now steals it. The thieves must have a hand saw, have used. It will not be on for another fifteen minutes and done. We understand it’s really not that people do such a thing. We hope that the police are the perpetrators. The same picture we find nowhere.”

I spent the first night not able to sleep. I was afraid that the thieves would come back for more to steal

He placed a message on Facebook with the call to the flock to share in the hope that someone them on the track can turn to the offender(s) to find. The message was in the meantime already more than 3,500 times and shared. “We are pleased that we are on Facebook. All those comments give us support. There has even been someone from the Netherlands responded and a former ranch in argentina our daughter”, tell Wilfried and Jeannine. “I was really moved that people sympathize with us”, adds Wilfried yet.


The city council had been planning to cameras to place on all the cemeteries in Ninove. “There is a company appointed and there is first a test phase is entered,” says mayor Tania Young (Open Vld). “The cameras will only confirmed in the autumn can be placed. There will be 140 cameras come to stadsgebouwen, cemeteries, and voetbalinfrastructuur, an investment of 300,000 euros. In some cemeteries, such as in Nederhasselt, is missing the wiring for cameras, but there will be a solution to be sought.”

The graveyard of Outer should already this autumn, camera surveillance. “Just too late for us,” says Wilfried.