“Criticized the band stays at home”

“Pagan Fury singer competes alone in the Eurovision song contest”

“the town of LEKSAND. Parts of Pagan Fury stays at home after reklamkritiken. “

“Three of the band’s four members did not turn up in the Eurovision song contest. “

“– They felt that they were not comfortable to stand here and fejkspela guitar, ” says singer Mia Stegmar.”

“it is clear Now that large parts of the band refrains from competing in the Eurovision song contest. “

“At the press conference was presented in november Pagan Fury as a group of four, but prior to Saturday’s race in Lidköping is the only singer Mia Stegmar on the spot. “

“the Rest of the band will not be with the. “

“– this entertainment program does not allow live music, but here is all the music pre-recorded. Then it felt completely unjustified for us to present the whole band. They felt that they were not comfortable to stand here and fejkspela guitar and try to make a show. They are musicians, ” says Mia Stegmar.”

“and with the SVT-called” Pagan Fury ”official rock band of the Crusader Kings” in a previous version of their song contest-app. But Mia Stegmar do not think that the group is too closely linked with the computer game.”

“How do you see the criticism?”

“– It is a bit of ignorance. One is quite accustomed to, it is a great record label that is behind to promote an artist. Here, it is an skivbolagu002Fdataspelutvecklingsföretaget. It is clear that it raises questions and concerns. Are you associated with a particular product? But we are not, and especially not during these six weeks. “

“the SVT: ”No marketing stunt””

“the SVT does not want to call the group for a marketing channel. “

“– Mia Stegmar is an amazing singer. She is no marketing stunt from the beginning, but has always been involved with music, ” says the Melodifestivalen project manager Anette Helenius. “

“Pagan Fury now consists of one member instead of four. Is not it a sign that they actually were not that gruppkonstellation before they were picked up by the datorspelsföretaget Paradox?”

” I don’t see it as something strange. Their numbers have been developed in the other direction, from the wanted have a banduppställning to a dansbaserat number. It is no stranger than that the Heirs are three, instead of four as they really are, ” says Helenius. “