“Cunning plan behind Netflix’s new hit”

“the Choice not to choose at all in ”Black mirror: the Bandersnatch” feels the most revolutionary.”

“Forty minutes or over two hours.”

“The version of ”Black mirror: the Bandersnatch” which I’ve seen is probably a different than you see.”

“the Writer and comedian Charlie Brooker did for many years, the brilliant årssammanfattningar for the BBC under the name of ”The wipe”, but then two years back is the production on the ice, because he simply doesn’t have the time anymore. And all of it is Netflix fault.”

“First put streamingtjänsten fittings on the cover his creation of the ”Black mirror”, a charming series about the modern society, the future and technology, consisting of stand-alone episodes that have so far gone in four seasons. Then, in the beginning of 2017, they asked if he wanted to make a special episodes of the hit series – a sort of interactive movie.”

“for several years, Netflix namely been looking for ways to be inspired by the gaming world and the old ”choose yourself”books that became popular in the 80’s (in which the reader himself had to make choices). The viewers are assumed to be engaged and to care more when they are complicit in it that affects the main characters.”

“another, easily released ”Black mirror”-scented reason of course is that Netflix themselves may find out things about their viewers by inviting them to make choices. What types of cereals they would take – and how many choose to kill when the opportunity arises?”

“Thanks to the analysis of the data, hope Netflix will probably be able to better target their movies and series to different countries, groups, or individuals, or simply build new content based on choices. In ”Black mirrors” all of the confusing metanivåer had another one of Netflix’s own ”spying” probably done ”Bandersnatch”, which the film is named, a real bull’s-eye. Now it’s ”just” the season so far, the most fascinating and thought-provoking television experience.”

“Then Charlie Brooker with some hesitation said yes to the mission he needed to learn to write in the game in Twine and the complexity of the manusnivåerna made to the fifth season of ”Black mirror” was delayed (it should, however, be on the road in 2019). The result is up to twelve (depending on how you count) alternative end, countless ways to get to them and some opportunities to go back and make new choices. “

“the background story of ”Bandersnatch”, a title that refers to a Lewis Carroll figure and a 80-talsspel which was never released, set in 1984 and is about the young game developer Stefan (Fionn Whitehead). He is traumatised by her mother’s death in a train accident and obsessed with creating a game that is just like the series itself is based on the user’s choice.”

“Life is becoming increasingly dizzy and in parallel with the us viewers, he is lost in the fear of making the wrong choice and the confusion over who it really is who decides. Perhaps the idea of freedom of choice only an illusion? The pooh.”

“Brooker is adept at filling their innovative example with the heart, so also here. If one declines to choose, it is his version of the story that rolls on. In a time full of ”fomo” (fear of missing something), it feels the elections as the most revolutionary.”

“… a sense of humor. ”Dips” (SVT play) is about three incompetent diplomats at the state Department, played by the show’s creators, the married couple Marie Agerhäll and Jesper, these two, along with comedian Moa Lundgren. Screwed and fun.”

“… and GW. The documentary ”GW says – Göring in Sweden (SVT) is exactly what it sounds like if the infamous naziministerns time in Sweden, his love, Karin and the family, and continued to kept in touch during the war. Why Leif GW Persson tells the story is somewhat unclear, but entertaining.”

“… the detective story. In the BBC series ”The ABC murders”, based on Agatha Christie’s book, playing John Malkovich Hercule Poirot, and he does it quite brilliantly. The environment is England in 1933, xenophobia permeates the society and the Poirots the heyday is past when a clever serial killer begins sending letters to the old master. Melancholy, neat and exciting. Hopefully bought into by any Swedish channel in 2019.”

“… dystopia. The lavish remake of Richard Adams sad 70’s retro classics ”The long flight”, ”The watership down” (Netflix), is stylish and gripping. But the history of the endangered kaninkolonin would perhaps make a greater impression if I were of the age that when I saw the original.”

“… nostalgia. ”The gas station – the tv series on stage” is a little over two hours long stage, parlour etc. of the old tv-classic. It is seen that the years have passed, but the charm and the classic songs are still. Appear in the BBC1 on Sunday.”