William Kasper Valkirk, Thea Kristiane Rasmussen and Josephine Tybjerg Sørensen from Nørresundby Gymnasium was as most of the other shocked and concerned over the fire in Notre Dame church in Paris. Now is the time to enjoy the last of the trip to the capital city, which began on Saturday and ends on Wednesday. Private

It was an almost unreal sight and one on one walk bizarre, sad and scary experience, as 18 high school students and their two teachers from Noerresundby Gymnasium at Aalborg stood in the middle of Monday night in Paris.

2. and 3. g-the pupils together with their teachers have been on a tour with a guide in and outside of the imposing church on Monday afternoon only a few hours before the iconic cathedral caught fire.

– It is very scary, that the fire began in a short time after we had gone around in there and admired and listened to stories about the church’s amazing story, telling the 18-year-old Thea Kristiane Rasmussen, who is visiting the city for the first time since she was an infant.

Thea Kristiane Rasmussen took no pictures of himself at Notre Dame church, but here the poses she in front of the Eiffel tower. Private

Thea Kristiane Rasmussen took immediately after the Notre Dame tour on a boat cruise on the Seine river along with a few comrades, and they had no idea boldly, as they returned to the base at Hotel Sibour in the early evening.

The young ignorant Paris-visitors from the north of denmark became quickly familiar with the situation, when friends and family from Denmark began to call while that the fire was now to the breaking news on all tv channels.

Thea Kristiane Rasmussen decided together with two friends, and then take the metro back to the area by the Notre Dame with my own eyes to see how this sad world first, developed.

– We stood some hundred yards away behind the large number of police checkpoints and looked first in disbelief at the flames and the many firefighters and police officers who worked tirelessly on the one hand to fight the fire, partly to ensure security.

Emotions ran away with us, when a man stood not far from us and began to cry, while he cried to the sky, it is our cathedral. It was quite emotional, and as most of the others we began now also to cry, tells Thea Kristiane Rasmussen on close contact with a historic experience that will surely burn itself firmly in the many years to come.

Several news media reports mitigating, to the firefighters managed to save many treasures and historical objects, before the flames could have engulfed them.

the Fire started Monday around the clock 18.50. Supposedly in one of the cathedral’s attic, from where it spread to the roof, which was being renovated. Two hours later – at 20.50 – collapsed church 93 metres high spire.

400 firefighters attended the fires, and they had gained control over the flames on Tuesday morning. Thea Kristiane Rasmussen has clearly not put the harrowing experience behind him, en Ekstra Bladet talking with her on Tuesday at noon.

It was an unpleasant, miserable experience. The mood was then, and people were very concerned, says Thea Kristiane Rasmussen, which together with its gymnasiekammerater flying from Paris to Billund on Wednesday.

The French prime minister, Emmanuel Macron, has promised his countrymen and the rest of the world, to Notre Dame to be rebuilt, and that he will ask for international help.

‘Because our story deserves it,’ as he justifies it.

Herein is gymnasiegruppen from Nørresundby probably completely agree.