Victoria Askjær had to see themselves beaten in the final of ‘The great bagedyst’, when the eighth season of the program ran over the screen at the end of 2019.
Since then, she has however got a lot of other things to rejoice about. Shortly after television viewers were allowed to see finaleafsnittet in november, found Victoria Askjær namely love. It she told a few months later, to Extra Magazine in which she in march this year showed the boyfriend, Peter, back.
Since the is the love is only grown between the two, and for the summer they need to share the address. It writes Victoria Askjær on Instagram, where she shared a picture of her boyfriend.
‘SWEET PETER. The here the mild man has today sold his apartment. It is good for several things, but mostly because he can share his life with us. It seems I really am quite nice to think of!’ she writes to the lookup.
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the 29-year-old Victoria Askjær says to Ekstra Bladet, the seven-year old Peter moves into to her at a Reception at Viborg, denmark from august. I am she – but so much that isn’t going to change the couple’s daily lives, she says.
– I think it will be much as it is right now, because we are very together. So, it’s not that I have a feeling that it will be the big difference. Peter lives in Aarhus, but he is here most of the time, so it is very natural, she says.
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SOMETHING GOOD . . In is therefore reasonable attention, we have to say, for several people have asked where him, the man suddenly comes from. . . As bagedysten was busy, he was there certainly not! He dumped down from a cloudless sky, did he. . . Cute Peter has been an acquaintance for some years. And sometimes we do not know completely what may lie in the kind of acquaintances before the one just lifts the lid. . . Anyways. He is pretty sweet. I think we’ll keep him . . #sødepede #ligesåskørsommig #mødpeter #hanblivernokhængende #vebeholderham #hamher #sødtøs #levvel #nogetnytmengammelt #ellergammeltmennyt #love #haneraltsåsød
Even if it was only in the last few months of 2019, that lightning truly struck down between them, so they met already each other five years earlier.
– But it is not that we have had a genuine friendship or been close friends in that time, says Victoria Askjær and tells that the pair actually also have gone to the same primary school and lived three miles from each other in their young years, but because of the age difference, they knew each other back then.
Film, tv & radio – 8. jun. 2020 – pm. 12:42 DR surprise: New version of ‘Bagedysten’
The last half-year’s time, we have the two known each other very well, and in recent months they only come even closer to each other, while coronavirussen have shut Denmark down.
– It has been a little particular to be new lovers in the here coronahelvede, for then one is somehow forced to be very much together, because you are in isolation. But we thought that now it would wear or break and it is just worn, or what to call it. It’s just gone fantastic, ” she says, and says what she fell for the boyfriend:
I just think it was his quiet disposition. He is very down-to-earth, and it is good, when one is, as I am, I may well fly a little, so he makes sure that I’m just touching the ground once in a while, laughs she.
Victoria Askjær has two children from previous relationships, and she says that they have taken really well against Peter and is pleased that he is moving in with them.
In the first place, it is at ‘The big bagedyst’-the participant that they need to share the address, but she does not deny, that in future, they must find something new together – if the right thing pops up.