Luigi di Maio will continue to lead in the future, the Italian Five star movement. Around 80 percent of the members of the protest party voted for the 32-Year – notwithstanding the setback in the European elections.

in Spite of the debacle at the European elections in Luigi di Maio, Chairman of the Italian ruling party, the Five star remains. In a vote on the Internet platform of the Five-star movement, approximately 80 percent of the well of 56,000 members to their party chief agreed. The result is considered surprising in view of the election result of the Five stars in the European elections. There, the party was far behind its Junior partner in the ruling coalition dropped. The extreme-right Lega took about twice as many votes as the “Movimento Cinque Stelle”.

On Saturday for a year on the government

The populist movement in Italy, since almost exactly a year, together with the Lega – to the turbulent formation of a government. In the parliamentary election, about 32 percent of Italians had for the Five stars and about 17 percent for the Lega voted in the European elections, this result turned around: Only about 17 percent voted for the Five stars, while the right brought the extremists to the party leader, Matteo Salvini, about 34 percent.

On a confrontation course with Brussels, the Italian Minister di Maio and Salvini

“Movimento Cinque Stelle” and Lega in the Clinch

The two government parties are considered to be at odds. Since weeks are not able to agree on common political projects. Important infrastructure projects, for example, therefore be on the ice. Di Maio also has more and more problems, against the dominant Northern League chief Matteo Salvini to enforce. This is because of his hard line stance towards migrants in the case of the Italians in the course. Di Maio and Salvini are both Deputy Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte.

dispute in Italy’s government: More than just shouting? the news Atlas |Italy |Rome

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