No fewer than one and a half million danes saw in the night Thomas Levin’s debut in ‘fawlty towers’ as the jewish Robert, who despite his Danish passport only to be rejected at the Danish border, the page is sent in the concentration camp – and then to escape and sneak back to Denmark.

the Year is, as you know, in 1939, Robert may escape from Austria, as the germans are about to segregate jews. The prisoners of the jewish austrian is sent in the series all to a camp in Neuengamme.

It is not helr seamlessly in sommeridyllen, when Robert shows up at fawlty towers. Photo: Mike Kollöffel

– I said ’yes’ to the role in ’fawlty towers’, because I thought that is fine, that in a universe as ’Badehotellets’ manages to bring a significant part of the story in the game. The role made sense for me on many levels – not least because everything, what it represents, is something that I have within the radar compared to what I come from, explains Thomas Levin.

The Danish government did not want to provoke the German nazis, which was started to arrest the jews in Austria and send them in concentration camp. Therefore, closed to the borders for the incoming jews, and sent them back into the arms of the nazis.

And the story with the purge in Austria is a real part of the Thomas Levins background.

– the Roberts story is obviously not my story – so of course, I am not Robert – although there probably are pages that reminds me of him. But the whole story about the captured jews in Austria and Denmark are snippets of my family history.

Thomas Levin says that more of his family was deported to the concentration camps, and some of them survived thankfully. Including his austrian grandmother, who even met his Danish grandfather in the camp.

Mrs Fjeldsø (Birthe Neumann), has been out of itself, since it was rumored that Ro0bert had arrived in the concentration camp. Photo: Mike Kollöffel.

– My grandmother was sent to the Theresienstadt ghetto. Out of all the concentration camps, it was the ’mildest’ – if you can talk about it. At least, it was the camp where the prisoners had a microscopic chance of surviving, and so did my grandparents. My grandfather had been arrested in Denmark and sent off, and although the conditions were quite horrible – and even though many died in the camp, managed it for my grandmother and grandfather to stay together and get married, when they were liberated and came to Denmark.

Thomas Levins jewish maternal grandfather had the trouble under 2. In world war ii. But he was so lucky that he is with Danish help managed to escape to Sweden before he was arrested.

– It is clear that the nature of the problem, as Roberts role is an expression of, has been massively essential for my family. Deportations, persecution and udrydningslejre is so much a part of my family’s story. Just as it is a witness on the stranger’s courageous help, and protection – which is essential to mention. Therefore, the role of something for me – mostly emotionally. My grandparents are no more, but I have felt them close to me, while I have played with in the ’fawlty towers’.


Will not create misunderstandings

Thomas Levin is not decidedly religious, so he has no need to visit the synagogue once a week.

– I’m not really religiously brought up. But I linked to my story and has largely been the jewish culture and the jewish traditions with me. When I don’t want to talk about the faith – and certainly not my own faith – because, in my eyes, is a private matter and therefore not suitable for a brief review in an interview. By the same token, I have also problems to express an opinion on the way of thinking, which is at the basis of an entire religious group could be perceived as threatening, that it should udraderes.

– I think that the authors of the ‘fawlty towers’ with Robert might have wanted to bring some nuances in our historical memory in the game and at the same time point on some difficult dilemmas about how to relate to an illegal refugee who is in need of help, he says, and adds:

– Why, to it is have substance, after all, is that the answers are not easy or uncomplicated.




Facts about Thomas Levin

Thomas Levine

19. september 1978 in Copenhagen

: Harry and Marianne Levin

: theatre School in New York city

Debuted in 1998 and has since played at various theatre and appeared in movies and tv series. Was until 2015 artistic director at Theatre Grob

Laura Christensen

Jacob and Martha

Reumerts the talent award as well as a Reumert award as the Year’s Playwright in 2012