2021 is Chosen – but now the Union discussed the K-question. Hottest candidate for the new CDU leader, Kramp-karrenbauer. However, their adversaries have not given up: Decided nothing was still.

your poll numbers are good, but the support in his own party, the new CDU will have to fight-Boss. “Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer has your experience as a Minister-President are all of the prerequisites, later, Chancellor. But nothing is decided yet, it would be too early,” said the Bavarian Landtag parliamentary leader Thomas Kreuzer, the “image”-newspaper.

cruiser underscore that the future top-of-the candidacy of the Union should be a joint decision of the CDU and the CSU. “Especially if there is to be a joint Union candidate for Chancellor, which of course all go out, must be discussed in due time with the CSU. An automatism is of importance. In the case of both parties in the end will have to decide on their bodies,” said cruiser.

Brinkhaus provides behind Kramp-Karrenbauer

his Comments fuelled cruiser, a debate that had started the Bundestag President, Wolfgang Schäuble, in an Interview. In the “star” he had said about a possible candidacy for Chancellor Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer: “You will agree from time to time.” This was understood as a further tip against Kramp-karrenbauer. Already before the CDU party Congress in December, had spoken Schäuble clear for Friedrich Merz, as the successor of Angela Merkel.

Union leader Ralph Brinkhaus strengthened Kramp-Karrenbauer, however, the back. “It is absolutely clear that it has the first access,” said the Christian Democrat, the “Focus”. “Who is going to apply from the CDU in fact, for the Chancellery, but depends on Momentum, if the candidacy is pending,” he said.