There are not many people who seriously deny the humanity’s negative impact on the environment and the climate. But the doubt spread by the ‘climate change deniers’ is used as a psychological crutch – change is hard and change is difficult, painful, and feels insurmountable.
the Changes we all need to do, urgently and with determination, is huge and we know it in our heart’s deep interior. But Newton’s tröghetslagar also applies to us humans, and the older and firmer in our circles we become, the more difficult it becomes.
So when someone whispers in our ears … that maybe, just maybe, the global warming threat is exaggerated. Maybe it is expected and completely normal fluctuations that we are experiencing ..? The little straw grasps we grasp in order to be able to stand out with ourselves when we continue with business as usual.
small changes within the current system. It will not be enough with the reforms or incentives. We need to make changes of our society in an extent that corresponds to the industrial revolution.
We must let go of the idea of perpetual growth, we need to stop the shit down as we do, we must do away with the dependency on oil. Everyone already knows these things, but this knowledge may in principle zero impact in everyday life.
christmas shopping is calculated on the new beat the new record. The politicians get together and agree on – nothing. If we do not choose to act it will be possible to choose to disappear. I know it sounds pessimistic or cynical, but I actually think that that is the level we find ourselves.
stands in inverse proportion to a collective response. The only reasonable conclusion is that we’re in some kind of social equivalent to the “freeze” in place of “fight or flight”.
So what should we do about handlingsförlamningen?