Out of the animal welfare act: ”animals shall be kept and operated in a satisfactory environment and in such a way that their welfare is promoted, they can perform such behaviors that they are strongly motivated and that is important for their welfare (natural behaviour) and behavioural problems are prevented”.

of the day foraging by rooting and beta. The pigs in the meat industry may only have food two to three times a day as they eat up fast and then they’ve nothing to occupy themselves with. This leads to behavioural problems like tail biting.

the sow’s natural behaviour when she should give birth is to seek out privacy and build a nest where she gives birth to the piglets. The sow collects together materials as branches, leaves, moss and grass.

a good place to give birth to their young. Space is limited and only in the best case is where the straw or other litter that she can use as bobyggnadsmaterial, but something to stay in a real sense she can’t build. This leads to frustration when she is prevented from performing the behavior.

Requirement is the only certification which requires that pigs must be able to go out all year so they should be able to rooting. Sows should be able to build live, and when it is hot outside will the pigs have access to a mud bath.

natural behaviors. This is a problem throughout the country when the share of krav-certified farms are so pass get. All grisbönder must comply with the animal welfare act by giving the pigs access to the outdoors – otherwise they can put down their illegal djurfabriker.