“Donald Trump, nine billion kronor to the wall,”

“the Pentagon has approved the sek 9.2 billion will be used to build the great wall between the united states and Mexico.”

“the department of Defense to build 92 miles of the great wall, including roads and other infrastructure, after receiving a request from the department of homeland security.”

“The 9.2 billion crowns will also go to the infrastructure at the great wall, as the construction of roads and installation of lighting.”

“Approximately 92 kilometers of the wall will be built by the department of defense, specifically at Yuma in Arizona and in El Paso, Texas.”

“Want to stop drogsmugglare”

“the Deputy minister of defence, Patrick Shanahan has given ingenjörskåren the mission to plan and carry out the construction.”

“According to Patrick Shanahan, will the focus be on to block the ”corridors of drogsmugglare,” writes the AP.”

“the Border at El Paso, Texas has in short time become the second most used border for people who are from Mexico to the united states in illegal ways. Many of them are families from Central america seeking asylum in the united states.”

“Even at the border in Yuma, Arizona, has the number of people crossing the border illegally grown a lot in a short time.”