After the fire disaster of Notre-Dame was already donated more than a billion euros. Of other abbeys can dream of in France. There, the God of forfeited houses – is this right?

The Abbey of Notre-Dame de Sénanque in Provence has seen better days. The roof is no longer tight. It is the danger of collapse is imminent. The monks have already gathered 200,000 euros. Half a Million euros is still missing, in order to save the Abbey.

For the reconstruction of Notre-Dame, a billion was, however, within a few days. Also French regional administrations and cities for Notre-Dame million.

brother Jean-Marie of the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Sénanque is surprised. He feels forgotten? “Forget is a big word. But maybe not enough appreciated,” he says. As most of the monuments in France, not enough value will be appreciated. “The mass of small churches not as an attraction, as is now the Notre-Dame.”