The 9. last december, around 10.30 a.m. lost a woman and two children lives in a violent traffic accident on the Hodsagervej in Holstebro.

A 24-man Latvian man is accused of manslaughter, drink driving and driving without a license, and today he is sitting on the dock by the Court in Herning. The judgment to fall later in the day.

Prosecutor Iben Holm starts with reading the indictment up to the judge and the two lay judges, while the young, tall and thin man sitting and listening with a too close to one another glance at his interpreter, who quietly read it for him. One of the points is about drink driving without a license.

The young man acknowledged in court that he previously in their home country two times had tried to take a driver’s license, but it was never managed to pass the driving test. Therefore, he had never driven legally, either at home or in Denmark.

in Addition to the lack of a driving licence recognises the Latvian man also, that he is in 2017 was banned from driving in their home country due to drunk driving. Despite the fact he had borrowed his father’s Ford Mondeo to his stay in Denmark, and it was also in the car, he hit the killed woman’s Citroën.

Photo: Morten Stricker/ Ritzau Scanpix

One of the witnesses who were summoned in court on Wednesday, was a bilinspektør, who had investigated the scene of the accident on the same day and later examined both cars.

He explained that there is always an uncertainty in the calculation of the speed of such a collision, and therefore the Latvian man running up to 152 kilometers per hour.

Even denies the defendants to have been running so strong. He believes himself, that he had run about 100 to 110 kilometers an hour.

It is, however, not along with a witness who had met the Latvian man earlier on the line, where he had been driving extremely hazardous.

– It looked like there was a politijagt in time, explained to the witness in court.

Bilinspektørens report also showed that on Hodsagervej, the road was slightly damp the 9. december due to some rain showers earlier in the day, but on the very scene of the accident there was no bremsespor, which suggested that the 24-year-old man had tried to slow the car before the collision, even though the visibility was fine.

The 41-year-old woman’s car was thrown 64 metres forward by the collision, and both cars were in the ditch after the accident.

The 24-year-old Latvian man tells in court that he came to Denmark in november last year to work a month on a mink farm.

the Night before the accident, had the defendant been drinking alcohol with some friends. Even though he almost does not remember anything from the night before and the accident, however, he was in the right to tell you that he had been drinking whiskey.

the Morning after had the 24-year-old man had to move some belongings from one address to another. After he had loaded, he was jumped into his father’s Mondeo and driven back to its first address to clean. It was on the line on the way back, that he had hit the 41-year-old woman’s car.

the Collision had thrown the little Citroën, which is 64 meters forward and killed a seven year-old girl and the 41-year-old female motorist on the spot. The day after was a nine-year-old boy also died of his injuries.

the expected judgment in the case over dinner.