The controversial Dutch fertiliteitsarts Jan Karbaat (1927-2017) with his own seed dozens of children begotten in his clinic. A DNA test has proven beyond doubt that he is the biological father of at least four donorkinderen. That means that 45 other children who, through the DNA testing related to each other prove, also of Karbaat descended. That is today announced.

The Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital in Nijmegen, has the DNA of the now at the age of 89 died Karbaat compared with that of 22 donorkinderen that a lawsuit he. They now have the ultimate confirmation or exclusion that Karbaat their biological father is.

Read also the Dutch donorkinderen know soon for sure whether they are descended from controversial ‘spermadokter’

The four children who have now established that they have been begotten by Karbaat had already been indirectly to him, linked through the DNA database of Fiom, a Dutch centre for afstammingsvragen. There had already been 49 children a DNA match with a legitimate child of Karbaat. By mutual DNA matches, half-brothers and -sisters to know the other children now that the spermadokter their cause.

the controversial vruchtbaarheidsarts, however, much more donorkinderen than the 49 that today have become known. To say that Defence for Children and the Foundation Donorkind, that are making the so-called ‘Karbaatkinderen’ and other donorkinderen who want to know from whom they are descended. The stock of semen of the two years ago, the deceased doctor is spread across multiple clinics. That was, until a few years ago, when his own clinic Medical Center Bijdorp in Barendrecht closed. Also do not have any children reported that are conceived with Karbaats clinic. They can still do and do not need new lawsuit about to begin.

“Now it is also clear that Karbaat on a large scale over many years, the ethical rules and guidelines, has violated,’ says Michelle van der meer, chairman of the Foundation Donorkind. “That shows that the profession of vruchtbaarheidsartsen themselves cannot control and also the control of the government for decades has failed.’”

For donorkinderen will be years of uncertainty to an end. In 2017 got the children and 11 parents successfully to the court to have the DNA of the recently deceased Karbaat to secure, through other items from his home.