today, it became clear that there is a break in the further planning of the new E18 west of Oslo, which has received the Norwegian public roads administration to respond.
– We don’t get money from the state budget, and now we put all the activity, confirming the project director Svein Røed of the Norwegian public roads administration faced NRK.
– Blank for the money
the Answer from Røed impresses not minister for transport Jon Georg Dale.
the Norwegian public roads administration has spent money they had not, and is now empty of money. The challenge in this case is that the Norwegian public roads administration has spent money they haven’t got. You can’t spend money you don’t have without consequences, ” says Dale to the Newspaper.
He shows that the public roads administration has spent over 600 million on the E18 project in 2018, which is more than twice as much as your budget restrictions.
– It affects the budget of 2019, said the minister, emphasizing that “the plan still is to get in condition E18 as fast as possible”.
– Not satisfied Deferral of the new E18 creates reactions
the Newspaper are wondering about the conservative party-the minister and veimannen Dale is disappointed over the delay of the critical E18-innfartsåren in Oslo.
– When a user more money than one has, this will have practical consequences. I have been clearly over for the directorate of public roads, and said that I expect more, and that we are not happy. Now relate me to that this has happened, and I do not take further dialogue through the media, but through the formal styringsdialogen, ” says Dale.
He has asked the vegdirektøren to “work as fast as they can, and that they will put forward a new proposition to the Storting as soon as possible”.
– When we receive the new proposal, we get to see how quickly the work can go, also when it comes to government grants, ” says Dale.
Expect more
Vegdirektør Terje Moe Gustavsen said the following earlier on Monday:
We are now working as quickly as possible to prepare the basis for a proposition that can be presented to the Parliament. We are ready to go ahead with the E18 project when bompengeproposisjonen is processed and the funding is in order.
Dagbladet wonder if budsjettsprekken may have consequences for the people in the directorate of public roads or public roads administration.
The practical consequence is that the work must have a break until the new grant is in place. I have been clearly faced with the directorate of public roads that I expect more, and that these expectations, they will see clearly. Also in the coming years, ” says Dale.
He emphasises that the E18-budsjettsprekken should not have consequences for the other veiutbygginger.
– Other project goes as planned and should not be harmed for this, ” says Dale.