“Earned 325 000 crowns in four days – on the snöplogning”
“The extreme snowstorms that prevail in Seattle opened up a huge demand on the snöplogning. 18-year-old David Holston was quick on the ball and pocketed the equivalent of 325 000 crowns in just four days.”
“Supply and demand. There are two concepts that David Holston, 18, lived in a couple of days in February. He managed to capitalize on the huge amount of money on the snowstorm as the american city of Seattle have suffered. The city has not had as much snow in February in 70 years, writes CNN.”
“David lives in the neighbouring state of Idaho, but got to hear about the increased need for snöröjare from a friend. Because he runs a plogfirma so the decision was obviously to download the plogbilen.”
“Got lots of offer.”
“David, put up an ad where he wrote about the service on the buy and sell site Craigslist. Suddenly oversaturated, he jobbförfrågningar.”
” I went out and had the job until midnight. During that time I answered the phone and received the new customers, ” he says to CNN.”
“Thanks to the big demand could David drive up the price to the equivalent of 7000 crowns per hour. In four days he earned 35 000 dollars. This is equivalent to over 325 000 sek. 18-year-old says he’ll donate 20 percent of their income to their church, buy some lawn and garden equipment and save the rest to buy a house in the future.”