No strike notice has yet been formally filed, but the stewardesses and stewards unions and the management separated last Thursday over a failure of the mandatory annual negotiations (NAO), explained to AFP William Bourdon, delegate of the Syndicate. cabin crew (SNPNC-FO).

According to him, while the inter-union formed with the Union of Civil Aviation Navigators (Unac) is calling for increases in line with inflation, what the company is proposing is “below 6%” for total compensation. , including fixed and variable parts.

And “at the same time”, assured Mr. Bourdon, “the company has chosen to change insurer on our health insurance”. “The increases in contributions that we will suffer in January because of these bad choices will not be compensated. (…) On the provident fund, we have 94%”, he said.

After the failure of the NAO, Monday opened a “conflict resolution process” between management and unions, but Mr. Bourdon said he was pessimistic about the outcome of these discussions.

Thursday, the SNPNC had warned against “a very significant risk of work stoppage for cabin crew during the holiday season” and “urged management to reconsider its position”.

EasyJet France remains “always in a logic of dialogue”, its managing director Bertrand Godinot told AFP on Monday, even if “we are very disappointed that the SNPNC is publicly threatening to take customers hostage for the holidays while discussions are still ongoing”.

For him, during the NAO, the unions of seafarers in France “were offered (…) a very competitive offer and higher than the average inflation during the last 12 months, and unfortunately this offer was rejected”.

He felt that the union demands “were probably quite disconnected from the economic reality of the company” when “we have just experienced the biggest crisis in our history, we have lost money over the previous three years. , we are still in a fragile situation.