The Senate missed the main goal of its education policy – the reduction of young people without a high school diploma. In the past year this group has increased significantly: in the case of the approximately 13,000 graduates of secondary and community schools by about a third from ten to 13 percent. In absolute Numbers, the power due to the overall increase in student numbers – a jump from 1250 to 1750. Among the high school students all managed to a degree, but the proportion of students who got the Mittlerer schulabschluss (MSA), decreased slightly from 97 to 96 percent. The rest of the high school students completed vocational education and training maturity.

the refugee influx can not play the sole role in the increased dropout rate, the Figures show the origin of students in relation to the MSA tests. Accordingly, also worsened in students with German as their language of origin in comparison to 2016. In mathematics, for example, only 65 percent made of them the mathematics exam, compared to 70 percent in 2016. A total of 76 per cent completed the secondary school pupils with German as their mother language with the MSA, while students with a Turkish mother passed language only to 56 percent. For students with other language there are up to 64 percent.

Tempelhof-Schöneberg is located at the top

In the districts is of Tempelhof-Schöneberg at the top: Here, 79 percent of the students received Integrated secondary schools and community schools in the MSA. It is likely to play a large role in the district’s three traditionally strong secondary schools: the Sophie-Scholl-, the Gustav-Heinemann – and the Carl-Zeiss-school. Behind Pankow (77 percent) and Lichtenberg (76 percent).

The worst of Neukölln cuts off, only 58 percent of the secondary students have passed the MSA. In the district, the school with the highest drop-out rate of around 40 percent, as a comparison of school portraits shows that the administration of education into the grid. In the middle it looks much better: Here, only 59 per cent managed the MSA, which means an improvement of seven percentage points compared to the previous year.

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order from the high school students of Treptow-Köpenick in the front

The rest of the districts: Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (61 percent), Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (74 percent), Spandau (67 percent), Steglitz-Zehlendorf (74 percent), Treptow-Köpenick (74 percent), Marzahn-Hellersdorf (62 percent), Reinickendorf (68 per cent)

When the high school students to the MSA rates Are consistently above 90 percent. The highest value of Treptow-Köpenick achieved with the 99 percent, Pankow (98 percent), Marzahn-Heller village (98 percent) and Lichtenberg (98 percent). The worst cuts here, too, Neukölln, where 91 percent of high school students to pass the MSA. In addition, the district has deteriorated in comparison to the previous year by four percent. In the middle of it are 92 percent. The rest of the districts: Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (97 percent), Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (95 percent), Spandau (94 percent), Steglitz – Zehlendorf (97 percent), Tempelhof-Schöneberg (96 percent), Reinickendorf (97 percent).

the math most students in the MSA tests. Overall, only 75 percent of the students pass this exam at secondary schools there are 94 per cent, in secondary schools and 58 percent at community schools, 54 percent. The best results are in English, 91 per cent (in high schools, 98 percent, in secondary schools, 78 percent of community schools 75 percent). In German, 84 percent (high schools: 97 percent, ISS: 72 percent of community schools: 70 percent).

mathematics is considered to be the main problem specialist in Berlin

compared to the previous year, the mathematics results of secondary schools and community schools slightly improved, however, they are significantly worse than in 2016: at that Time, the exams had been assessed, however, as a particularly easy – the “fluff piece”, as it was called by the teacher.

The most dramatic deterioration was in the subject of mathematics for those students who were tested in the tenth grade, again, for the vocational education and maturity, because they had not done it in grade 9. This was around 3000 young people. They were able to Mature in grade 10 voluntarily to the tests, for advanced vocational education and training and the MSA participate, or for the basic education level. Of the 1350 students took again to the vet, maturity, consisted of just 20 percent. In mathematics, there were even only eight percent – that is, a deterioration of 15 percentage points.

As reported, applies mathematics for a long time as the main problem specialist in Berlin. As a result of the long time current Berlin rules on teacher education and teacher deployment, it may be that students were taught in school never studied mathematics teachers. The shortage of qualified teachers aggravates this Problem.

distribution of newcomers needs to be made “fairer”

“high schools Scheeres save the statistics,” said FDP-education politician Paul Fresdorf the new Numbers. Because the educational administration announced that “93 per cent of pupils at grammar schools and secondary schools have a high school diploma”. Since the results were only published after 15 o’clock, there was little time to go to the information on the basic “a rogue who thinks Evil of it,” said a school principal. To make matters worse, the by the Senate with the evaluation officer “the Institute for school quality Berlin-Brandenburg” in his summary a number of negative data is not mentioned, explained let alone. So, it remains unclear why the proportion of Turkish-speaking secondary school pupils without statements increased from 11 percent to 19 percent.

in view of the problematic development of Fresdorf said, “that the increased use of not fully qualified teachers strike seems”. As well as politicians from the coalition and the CDU Spandau calls for FDP members of Parliament, that the distribution of lateral hires had to be made to the schools of the “righteous”.

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teacher shortage in Berlin Scheeres wants newcomers better

Susanne Vieth-Entus

“We cannot be satisfied with the results. They show that our efforts must lie in the area of quality of teaching,“ said education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD), the ISQ report. To do this, you have “measures” to develop, which will introduce you in the near future. On the question of whether the deterioration in the results of the correlations with the increase in the proportion of fugitive students, answered Scheeres’ spokeswoman, wearing “unquestionably, but not limited to”. We should not, therefore, “urgently the quality of teaching is stronger in the view,” she said, with a note on the announced “measures”.