“Edward Bloms last meal: a 20-course dinner”

“‘ Useful to think about how it feels to eat for the last time””

“Edward Bloom tells how his ”last meal” would look like in the latest episode of the pod ”Edward Bloms smorgasbord”.”

“the Result was a massive 20-course meal.”

“It was very difficult to choose,” says Edward Bloom.”

“Poddgastronomerna did not hold back during his ”last meal”. His colleague Mats Ryd’s list was a ten-course dinner, while Edward Bloms doubled and finished off with a massive meal consisting of 20 dishes with beverage, they tell in the pod ”Edward Bloms smorgasbord”.”

” I wanted so much. I am not the person who can say that I love the right, I like a diversity of dishes, ” says Edward Bloom.”

“the Important with the mineral water”

“He says that such a list is entirely possible to get through, but that it comes to eat small portions. He believes that everything depends on why you have a last meal.”

“– you have a serious illness, then you wouldn’t have so big appetite. But if we imagine a scenario where you would need to move to mars or if I would do an operation where I lose the sense of taste then one would be able to put together such a list. But the mineral water at the end will you really need to, ” he says.”

“10 000 sek for the meal.”

“Caviar, tofsvipeägg, nykoagulerade langoustines, skaldjursplatåer, grilled meat and chocolate mousse are just a few of the dishes that are on them. A meal where you will definitely feel full and satisfied.”

“– Mats to eat their meal and go straight into death. While I as a catholic want to eat it here as the last meal, digest food, sleep a few hours, get a little hungry again and then prepare a little more spiritual, ” he says.”

“Would such a ”last meal” be very expensive?”

“– It is a lot but really nothing that is crazy expensive. If it is just for one serving so there will be no more than a few hundred dollars but would you eat at a restaurant it would cost over 10 000, the wines as much. But if you still are going to die so you can sell the villa, ” says Edward Bloom.”