the Spring sun shine over the landstingsparken on the island of Kungsholmen in Stockholm when oppositionsregionrådet Erika Ullberg step out onto the large stone steps and symbolic steps down and in the direction out of the park. After two terms in opposition, she has decided to leave the mission as the regional council and group for the region’s largest party.

– I intend to leave after the summer. There is no drama in it, but I have been a full-time politician for eight years, and it is a long time. I also want to give my successor plenty of time to have time to get into the mission and be warm to the next choice.

oppositionslandstingsråd in Stockholm in 2011 when she was given responsibility for trafikfrågor. When Helene Hellmark Knutsson left the county council in order to become a minister Stefan Löfvens government stepped Ullberg be re-elected into the role of leader of the opposition and group leader. It has been rewarding, and she says she’s grateful. At the same time, it is a good time to leave now.

– Now, there was not alternation in the fall. It had become so had I had another craving and energy to translate all the proposals into practice. We felt very strongly in the election campaign that there were strong expectations of a different political rule and other policies, and also saw that we went forward in the constituencies where we do not usually have a strong support system.

are proud over, she highlights the issue of enhetstaxan within the SL network, which according to her had to be left behind, thanks to the Socialist influence – despite the fact that it was the green Party that finally made up over blockgränsen.

Ullberg has been a strong critic to the bourgeois landstingsledningens way to construct and manage the New Karolinska. In recent years, the focus on the costly ops-the agreement slipped to be more about healthcare operations at the Karolinska and the new organization with value-based care, which have been criticised by the employees.

Faced with the choice added Erika Ullberg and S determination at the Karolinska, and promised to abolish the economic model if they got the confidence. She thinks that she was correct to say that, after having taken the time and met with ”both sides”, in addition to the employees, she had meetings with BCG’s global vårdchef Stefan Larsson and the then master kai fa Melvin Samsom. But the key was when she realized that there was a plan to organise the doctors ‘ training by the department’s elimination, which she perceived as ”extremely serious” for a teaching hospital and for healthcare in the whole region. In the electoral campaign of the called party that the organisation would be abolished.

She thinks that she made an impression in the debate and that the time given her the right.

– Then, there was no consensus to abolish the operating model. But now there is, ” says Ullberg, and points to the sjukhusstyrelsen now stated that the employees in the lot had been right in their criticism, and started a change process of the organization.

” There are certainly those who argue it. But of course, there is also valforskare says that New Karolinska and BB Sollefteå was the only regional sjukvårdsfrågorna sticking out of the election campaign. And I think it is a problem that there were not more questions came up. The health service is managed by the regions and it was not in the election campaign, which focused very much on what the government had done and not, ” says Ullberg, and notes to S, declined in all regions – except in Stockholm.

Faced with the choice involved Erika Ullberg much in Karolinska. Photo: Lisa Mattisson

In the Stockholm region, she thinks that it was justified to allow New Karolinska get a large space in the debate.

– It is a teaching hospital with tens of thousands of employees and far more patients. It was important to go to the bottom of the problems. Now it is in any case no one who låtsats that there are problems – for example, with the new operating model.

of bourgeois representatives, to the health care organization is a type of micro-management that the policy is not to engage in.

” I was told that it was completely wrong but I felt very confident with it, for it was what the staff was pointing at when I was out in the activities, and that was what I based my suggestions on. And now serves on the board of directors and make changes in it.

the Criticism of micro-management, think she is not really accurate.

that put the criticism has devoted itself to micro-management in other areas – for example, when it comes to intensivakuten does not receive a sufficient number of patients, while other hospitals in the region, go on your knees. It is also based on political decisions, ” says Erika Ullberg.

in the county, which now become the region, the social democrats have been in opposition. S hired state investigator Göran Stiernstedt, who made an investigation with suggestions on how the healthcare system in Stockholm could be structured differently with a smaller number of choice, with more coordination and less fragmented care.

” We have wanted to put the patient’s care needs prior to the ideologically controlled experiments, konsultidéer and a very fragmented vårdmarknad with the many vårdvalen – which also gives us the country’s most expensive health care. We are in agreement about the patient’s right to choose – that is statutory. But the choice of care is more about vårdbolagens freedom of choice.

but the party declined sharply in the election, and the S became the largest party was not for a transfer of power. Then the green Party for the first time – as well as in the Stockholm city hall – took the unexpected step of blockgränsen to reign with the bourgeois could the Conservatives and the alliance to continue to control. On the question of whether it was a miscalculation, “says Ullberg:

” I think the Greens made a rational choice when the logic of blocs was cemented and the alliance made it clear that they would run on. There have been harsh words or problems in the relations with the Green party representatives here in the region.

it seems to have gnisslat a part. In a duel in the SVT in the election campaign between Ullberg and then finanslandstingsrådet Irene Svenonius (M) hettade it so that röstläget was raised precariously.

” I think that Irene Svenonius, came in to the county council at the same time as the temperature began to increase before the elections, and it is special. For example, we have had contact during the week when the tone has been completely different.