the EXTRA PLACE: prime Minister Erna Solberg delivered their regjeringserklæring for the Parliament today. Here along with finance minister Siv Jensen. The two most powerful women in the country got an extra nice place in the day – because the government has become so large. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix Show more

Erna Solberg adds from the new regjeringserklæringen for the Parliament today.

The solemn session is also the first time the new ministers, Ingvil Smines Tybring-gjedde, Kjell Britain Ropstad, Olaug Bollestad and Dag Inge Ulstein meetings in Parliament as part of the government.

But the multiple bet themselves note that both prime minister Erna Solberg and finance minister Siv Jensen got an extra nice place in the year. They are namely a little ahead of all the others.


– Erna and Siv jerked forward

Erna Solberg has expanded the government to be record-high with 22 ministers – and there is simply no place in the parliamentary assembly room, without a little creativity.

Audun Lysbakken said to Dagbladet Mats Rønning after Tomorrow the speech that he bet himself noticed in the new seats.

” I am very excited about ommøbleringen of the parliamentary assembly room, said Lysbakken ironic.

– There have been so many incredible ministers that Erna and Siv have jerked forward, while the KrF and Left set right behind.

” It’s a good image of the government which the progress party and the Right sitting in the front seat, while the KrF and Left sitting behind, said Lysbakken.

– Repeated joke

Also the political editor of Dagbladet Geir Ramnefjell, bet themselves noticed in the new seats.

– the Progress and the Left is sitting in the shade here, said a lattermild Ramnefjell. the

– They are almost as baksetesjåfører, who whispers some tips to come. It was almost a little too telling. Here I wonder if they have to take some straightforward. It can be a recurring gag that becomes a bit too easy for the opposition, ” says Ramnefjell. the

prime Minister Solberg has earlier responded to criticism that the government even, out, while they want to slim the public sector.

Solberg said in his own defense when the government was presented that she has reduced the number of ministries by two since the present coalition government, but inserted extra ministers on the areas where it needed additional follow-up.