Vluchtelingencrisis The European Union has almost is 730,000 refugees from the Mediterranean Sea is saved since 2015. Notify newspapers of the German Funke Media Group on the basis of figures from the European Commission.

The newspapers quote a letter from Dimitris Avramopoulos, the migratiecommissaris of the EU, to the European Parliament, which state that saving lives is a top priority of the EU. He argues that non-governmental organisations have a key role in this was played and that their work should not be ‘criminalized’.

Read also EU sets up a rescue operation for the refugees stop for the Libyan coast

But on the other hand, anyone who attends the international rules and certainly do not contribute to the preservation of mensensmokkelroutes, sounds, moreover in the letter. the

This week, the EU has her Surgery Sophie in the Mediterranean Sea are suspended. There was disagreement about how the rescued refugees the states had to be divided. The Italian government was opposed to a renewal of Operation Sophia, unless member states take in more refugees want to include. The surgery will still be air support to provide to the Libyan coast guard.

also Read: “Migratiecrisis is over”: European Commission debunks 14 myths in offensive against ‘fake news’