The EU Parliament in Strasbourg has declared a “climate emergency” for Europe. The deputies voted on Thursday by a large majority for a Resolution. This is a symbolic act, but is intended to build pressure on a specific legislation.

429 parliamentarians were in favour, there were 225 votes against, 19 deputies abstained. The Resolution has to be underlined that because of climate change, urgent action had to be explained to the Parliament.

He was proud to have a majority in the European Parliament to make Europe the first continent that calls out the climate and environmental state of emergency, said the Chairman of the environment Committee, Pascal Canfin, according to the vote. Thus, the expectation of the European citizens will be met.

The MP called on in the Resolution, the EU Commission, the member States and the global actors to take immediate concrete measures against climate change. In addition, the new EU should tap the Commission under President Ursula von der Leyen all of your work on the consequences for the climate and the environment.

United States, Vancouver in Canada, London, Cologne, Geneva or Basel, similar resolutions adopted. Also, some national parliaments have declared a climate emergency. In the United Kingdom had voted in the house of Commons in may – and legally binding, the decision was not there, however. In Ireland, members agreed to also in may, an application was made and declared a climate emergency. (sda)

Created: 28.11.2019, 12:18 PM