About three years, all new cars could slow down even if a car or pedestrian suddenly moving out in front.

They must be able to stay within the ground without the help of the driver, and – perhaps most startling – stop their acceleration, when the speed limit is reached. Also in cases where the driver want to drive faster.

these are just some of the systems in the comprehensive package of security measures, as the EU Parliament, Commission and The European Council reached an agreement on. The agreement has been a long time coming and is now only to be finally approved.

It writes the EUROPEAN commission in a press release.

in Addition to the safety systems for cars put the agreement up to that future trucks and buses must look completely different. From september 2025, they must live up to the so-called ‘direct vision’-the default, which means that the drivers should be able to see a significantly greater part of the way through the window, than is the case today.

it is Hoped that the new guidelines can make the blind spots smaller and thus reduce the number of højresvingsulykker.

EU politicians estimate that the total package will be able to save the 25,000 lives, while at least 140.000 europeans will be able to avoid serious injuries in traffic towards 2038. The EU has a long-term must that no one should lose their life or be seriously injured in traffic accidents in 2050, and the new agreement is a step on the way.

In all 25.643 people were killed in traffic accidents in the EU in 2016 – the last year, the european UNION has collected and published data on.

– Every year, we lost about 25,000 of their lives on our roads. The majority of the accidents are caused by human error. We can and must do something about this. By making the new advanced security measures mandatory, we can repeat the change we saw when the seatbelt was introduced. Many of the new systems already exists, and is seen especially in luxury cars, says EU commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska in the press release and adds:

– Now we will increase the level of security across the board and pave the way for future connected and self-propelled mobility.

The advanced fartkontrol, which is to regulate the speed of the car at the current speed limit, has already received much media attention. It is perhaps due most of all that it potentially can make the driver unable to run with the speed that they want.

Back in February, wrote the british media Auto Express, however, that it to begin with will be possible to turn off the system. A decision you supposedly have made ’to the public acceptance of the introduction’.

if you Choose to turn off the system, will, according to the media still get a reminder, which reminds of today’s selehusker – it will say loud warning signals through the speakers, if you exceed the speed limit.