In the whole of Treptow-Koepenick, there are a only bike on the road – the meadow promenade in Köpenick. A year ago, the OPP requested that the establishment of a second road. So far, without result, the district office refers to the Senate, which, in turn, to the district.

“A single Bicycle road 270.000 inhabitants, it is not in proportion to the population,” says Sophie Lattke, spokesperson of the network of Bicycle-friendly Treptow-Köpenick. At least three more streets would be suitable.

On Sunday 170 cyclists in Adlershof demonstrated for the establishment of additional Bicycle streets on which cyclists have priority over car traffic. So far, there are only 20 bike roads. On the Gleimstraße and the Stargarder Straße in Prenzlauer Berg, the next one will be the result of the test runs, but also here results.

the Prince Regent street since the years of conflict

the existing Bicycle be ignored Under the streets of many car drivers. They behave like on normal roads, although the speed limit is 30, and only local traffic is allowed. Especially on the cyclists dedicated to the Prince Regent street in Wilmersdorf, it often comes to conflicts. “Since the bollards would be installed,” says Klaus Wittke from Johannisthal, uses several times a week on the road. “This is alley, a rat run for the Federal. The police is not in control.“

Recently, a motorist against the establishment in the Prince Regent had complained – as a bike road, with the Argument that the road will not be used predominantly by cyclists. The administrative court dismissed the action but, in both directions passable road was in some Places only 4.60 meters wide. Do “mixed traffic is dangerous”.

The through traffic could switch to the parallel Federal Avenue. For years, the district will be discussed, as car traffic can be taken out of the Bicycle road – so far without tangible result. Activists plead for years for a lock bollard in the amount of the public parks or at the entrance at the corner of the road Wexstraße.

In the district offices personnel for the planning of Bicycle paths

Cycling has increased in the past year by nine percent, says Andrew Paul of the ADFC on the Demo in Berlin-Adlershof, however, the red-red-green coalition was playing catch-up, as promised, the build-up of infrastructure for safe Cycling.

In the district offices, the most common answer is that there is a lack of personnel for the planning of cycle paths. There are plenty of professional companies that would like to take over, as the Danish company Ramboll, which has won the tender for six of the ten fast cycle routes.

Left – their most unpopular swim, bike, and view more images 1 of 621Polizeibeobachter20.12.2018 13:12Zugemüllte city. Since the days of this garbage mountain blocking a cycle lanes of bliss street in Wilmersdorf, although Bicycle activists…previous Next

security at construction sites, in addition to the bike streets at the present time, especially in the center. After a serious accident in the last week of the club Changing Cities that emerged from the referendum Bicycle has inspected the scene of the accident. As reported, was overthrown in a 55-year-old cyclist in the dark in a non-secure construction site on a bike path in Lichtenberg.

“not so,” says Secretary of state Streese

construction workers had forgotten, a nearly 20-centimeter-high heel in the Asphalt block. According to the Changing Cities, the construction site to the street Alt-Friedrichsfelde, a week after the accident still “serious shortcomings”. “The bi-directional pedestrian and cycle path is partly reduced to 1.2 metres, while passenger Cars have the in spite of site undisturbed for three tracks,” said Ragnhild Sørensen of Changing Cities.

This is in contravention of the by red-Red-Green adopted Mobility legislation. The Secretary of state in the traffic management, Ingmar Streese, should be given according to the ADFC, the General meeting of the members of the bike clubs on Saturday at the Tempodrom defects in this site: “not so.”

Section 39 of the mobility law provides for a “safe Cycling guide”

in fact, such sites everyday for cyclists. In July 2018, the network of Bicycle-friendly Tempelhof had tested-schöneberg, the promise of the Senate to respond immediately to messages about unsafe construction sites. Result: 79% of the 100 requests were not or only partially processed. This year, there had been a minimal improvement to 76 per cent.

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Stefan Jacobs

As reported, there are since two years in the Traffic control of the Senate, the E-Mail Service “site detector”. Could report to the Prince Regent street. This is cordoned off for weeks at the height güntzelstraße by construction fences. Cyclists ride illegally on the sidewalk. Clause 39 of the mobility law provides a “safe Cycling guide” or in the alternative, a diversion.