May is hoping for a Brexit-a shift to June – but it’ll probably run to the end of the year, writes Europe expert Nicolai von Ondarza on tagesschau24. Everything else, given the chaotic situation in London is unlikely .

tagesschau24 : Under what circumstances, the rest of the EU, could 30 countries to an extension of the Brexit-date. June, at all, agree?

Nicolai von Ondarza: There are above all two important criteria: Irrefutable is that the British participate in the European elections, because you don’t want to risk that great Britain also affects the Functioning of the European Parliament. The other, slightly softer criterion is that the other Europeans from the United Kingdom and, above all, by Theresa want to hear, May, what is the way out of the mess in London: ‘you Can offer at least a process that gives us a view to the fact that the Brexit-Blockade can eventually be solved – either through the current bipartisan talks, elections or even a second Referendum.

Nicolai von Ondarza, Foundation science and policy, about the Brexit development
tagesschau24, 05.04.2019

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