The FDP wants to take, as announced in its members the pulse for environmental and climate policy. She has presented on Thursday its questionnaire. The results of the survey and does not consider, however, as binding.

The party’s top wool know the mood of their members, declared party President Petra Gössi and group chief Beat Walti in front of the media. It was not a binding ballot. The results are to be published in Detail. It was dragging the party committees, the conclusions from the survey, said Gössi to appropriate questions.

The FDP members can get the questionnaire from the Friday until the 21. April fill. You will receive by mail a personal Login. The FDP group, the questionnaire with the help of the research Institute gfs.bern has prepared, is then to evaluate the results. On 2. May want to summarize the party President of the conference resolutions, which the delegates at their meeting of 22 may. June will be presented.

man-made or not?

The 17-page questionnaire begins with General assessments. The FDP asks for the importance of its members to the climate change and environmental issues compared with other issues. Also she wants to know if your members have any belief in a human-caused climate change.

Who answered the questionnaire, between the statements “man today has a relevant influence on the climate system and climate change, there has always been, we people today have to choose only very little influence on it” – on a spectrum from 0 to 6. Further, the members can specify whether or not the party should be more or less for the climate and the environment involved.

measures in the domestic

The questionnaire also contains Specific, such as the question of how strong the CO2-emissions should be reduced and whether Switzerland should take measures in the domestic, in order to meet the requirements of the Paris climate agreement. Here, the FDP even more ambitious options for discussion as the Paris agreement requires, namely a reduction of CO2-emissions to Zero by 2030.

For the selection is, however, in the CO2-law no fixes domestic to define the objective, but the money for measures abroad, “where it achieves the most effect,” as it is called in the questionnaire. This Position was responsible for the FDP at the advice of the CO2 act in the national Council. Together with the SVP reached that the domestic has been deleted in target. Because of these and other Changes, the law no longer failed at the end because the Ratslinke considered it useful. This brought the FDP criticism.


want to know the party, how much is the members of the environment and climate protection, personally, value. She asks: “How much percent of your annual income would you be willing to pay in addition for a target leading climate and environmental policy?”

In a second part, members will be able to answer in-depth questions related to transport, buildings, natural resources, industry and energy. You can select individual topics. Is queried here, for example, how the members of a ban on fossil fuel heating systems for new buildings, which has fought the party in the past.

environmental protection as a national sport

Although the party provides in the questionnaire, also state intervention to the discussion, made them in front of the media is clear that they will continue to strive for a liberal policy. It need not be prohibitions, but of innovation and entrepreneurship, said Gössi. Walti noted, the “truly liberal forces” were “in a purely logical way at a disadvantage”, because you rely on incentives for responsible behavior. The sell in the short term not as good as the call for government Intervention, but in the long term. Environmental protection is functioning only, if he was a “national sport”.

green coat

Gössi defended himself against the accusation that the FDP wanted to give because of the successes of the Green and green liberal party before the elections, a green coat of paint. “It is not a green coat that covers the FDP in the election year,” she said. The FDP values of freedom, sense of community, and progress would give a commitment to the environment clear. In addition, it is the task of politics, the issues that moved people.

Gössi acknowledged, however, that the liberals come with the theme a little late, in the middle of the election year. You would have liked to see a previous management, she said. It was not a change of strategy, the FDP have already been operating environmental policy. (nag/sda)

Created: 28.03.2019, 18:23 PM