Isabelle Moret stands over the next twelve months, the large chamber as the highest Swiss. The Canton of Vaud FDP national councillor received 193 of the 198 valid votes.

so Far, the most votes received in 2011, the Thurgauer SVP national Council hansjörg Walter, namely, 185. The predecessor Morets, the new Ticino Councillor of state Marina Carobbio Guscetti (SP), was elected a year ago with 154 votes, the average value in the choice history.

Four years after Christa mark Walder is again an FDP politician with the national Bureau entrusted. Before Moret 19 national councillors and national Councillors of the Canton of Vaud on the Post already, most recently in 2007/2008 André Bugnon (SVP). Isabelle Moret is also the 14. Woman holding the Bureau.

Since 1848, already 197 President of the national Council and President were elected. They manage each of the negotiations of the Council, in the framework of the session of planning of the Bureau, the agenda, guiding the Council office and represent the Council to the outside.

the President of The Council does not generally comment on the case and is true only if the consent of a majority of the members of each Council is required. In the case of a tie, it falls to the casting vote.

Who are the liberal Moret is?

Isabelle Moret for 13 years, a member of the national Council. The free Democrat from the Canton of Vaud in social issues, progressive on security and economic issues on the right. The soon to be 49-Year-old political commitment after more than twenty years, the first of Vaud-born woman who takes over the national presidency.

The free Democrat, a lawyer, stepped up at the end of 2006 for the retired Yves Christians in the national Council. It was four times re-elected. In 2015, she was even the best woman elected to the Western part of Switzerland, could not repeat, in spite of very good results this fall.

health and quality of life

In Bern is committed to Moret, “from Conviction for health, employment, climate and quality of life,” as she writes on her Website. As a member of the Commission for social security and health (SGK), employees with two big challenges of the future – the pensions and health insurance premiums.

The mother of the reconciliation of work and family as one of their priorities. If you will be elected on Monday to the President of the Austrian Parliament, and that this will be one of the key themes of your Year, she said.

Moret not wish for more women in positions of Responsibility, even if they supported the quota rules. She pleads for wage equality, the creation of more childcare places and child deductions-care costs.

The inhabitant of yen in the Region of La Côte’s commitment to the radical values such as freedom, responsibility, cohesion and Innovation. Lately, she deals with social issues such as the support of nursing staff. Also if you commented in the current debate on climate change has so far hardly, reminded them that they have supported the exit from nuclear energy and support for the Energy transition.

Seasoned politician

Moret came very young to the policy. After the rejection of the EEA in 1992, she joined the FDP. In 1995, she made the advocate-diploma in Bern. With 28 years of Moret was elected in 1999 in the Canton of Vaud Grand Council, seven years later, in the national Council. The multi-lingual politician – she speaks fluent Swiss German, Italian and English – was, from 2009 to 2016, Vice-President of your party. Among its Strengths its ability to Compromise and your skills as a bridge Builder, Moret says.

In September 2017 she was not able, however, to convince the Federal Assembly in the Federal Council election. She remained behind with 28 votes, far behind the selected Ignazio Cassis, and the second-placed Pierre Maudet.

criticism of the tax situation

Shortly thereafter, Morets control led situation to public criticism. The professional politician had for almost ten years no no tax bill any more. Was due to a complex Tax matter that will, in particular, complicated by a divorce. You have nothing to hide, and a large part of payments on Account paid, they responded to the controversy.

The legal Advisor to boards a member of several management, including in the areas of health, food industry and energy supply. Thus, Moret and President of the Federation of Swiss food industries (Fial) and President of the national peak Association of public and private hospitals, clinics and care institutions H . In the case of Swissgrid, she has served as also Vice-President of the Board of Directors. (nag/sda)

Created: 02.12.2019, 15:47 PM