The President of the conference of the FDP, decided on Friday afternoon, a member survey on climate policy. Thus, the party leadership feels the 120’000 members of the pulse. In the party’s history unique survey is expected to lead to a position paper that will be presented to the delegates in June.
An effective climate and environmental policy must be ecologically sensible, socially acceptable and economically viable to be shared with the FDP after the meeting of the conference of the cantonal party presidents in Lucerne. The measures would not be accepted, you would fail at the ballot box.
No “illusory measures”
The decision on the previously announced survey was unanimous. The FDP wants to back, therefore the climate and environmental debate more to the fore and liberal recipes.
don’t want To be Prohibited to offer a Hand to the party or “illusory measures”. Sustainability is programmed into the genes of the FDP already. It was clear that the environment and the resources, carefully handled, should be. Current and future generations have the right to an intact life-support systems.
The party was aware that the people had only to measures, if their basic needs were covered and you had prospects. Therefore, there is a need for acceptable ways close to the people. Otherwise there is the risk that the population not to partake in far-reaching measures.
Gössis u-turn
FDP-President Petra Gössi had announced in mid-February for a change of course of their party when the CO2 act, in favour of a compromise. The party wants effective climate and because it is, of course, “the fact that you can adjust the policy”.
Within the party joined a number of Federal parliamentarians. At the same time Gössi had announced the members of the survey.
Created: 01.03.2019, 18:57 PM