“The crisis in the Swedish Academy”

“”it Feels nice to leave the Academy to””

“Sara Danius in a good mood after the turmoil”

“She was forced away from the Academy.”

“But Sara Danius is of good courage.”

“– I have left the Swedish Academy, and it feels very nice, ” she says to Aftonbladet.”

“It has been just over two weeks ago Sara Danius, 56, formally stepped of the mission.”

“Despite the forced sortin seems Danius not moping too much. Yesterday had the opportunity to see her in a kändisevent on Norrmalmstorg square in Stockholm when a glasögonkedja invited to the opening party.”

“Danius was dressed in his signaturplagg knytblus as she corrected before she showed up in a picture. In her company was, among others, the actress Ewa Fröling and the magazine Elle’s former editor in chief Hermine Coyet Ohlén.”

“to a direct question tells a significantly blithe Sara Danius for Aftonbladet how she is feeling after the recent turmoil.”

“– Yes, but it is good!”

“You look very happy.”

“– Yes, but I feel good. I have left the Swedish Academy, and it feels very nice, ” she says smiling before she leaves the event.”

“Sara Danius had offered to re-commit to the mission as permanent secretary of the Academy, but no, she wrote in a press release to TT a few weeks ago. Then had had enough.”

“I have made the decision to leave my chair in the Swedish Academy, on chair number seven, which once bekläddes of the first woman to be elected into the Academy, Selma Lagerlöf. For me it has been an honor to sit on this chair,” wrote Sara Danius in the press release.”

“Then asked the Swedish Academy publicly apologise for last year’s conflict.”

“just over a year ago briserade revelations about sexual abuse linked to the now våldtäktsdömde kulturprofilen Jean-Claude Arnault, married with akademiledamoten Katarina Frostenson. As the permanent secretary got Danius deal with the crisis. In april last year, she chose to resign. She sat, however, remain formally in his chair.”