“Few people want to fly less for the climate’s sake”

“the Swedes are prepared to make sacrifices to combat climate change – but only to a certain limit, according to a study. 67% want to continue to separate waste and recycle, but only 19 percent are willing to fly less, writes GP.”

“Only about a quarter can think of to use less electricity or green energy.”

“– It is clear that I have liked to have seen more engaged when it comes to emissions and energy consumption. It sometimes feels like the type of decision becomes too difficult or too large. The sorting goes well, but then it stops, says national trust chairman Johanna Sandahl to the GP.”

“the Figures come from the European investment bank the third international klimatundersökning, which examines citizens’ attitudes to climate-friendly measures.”

“the Survey also shows that younger EU citizens are more positive than older people to climate action. Recycling is the best branch, and women are more positive to it than men. Nearly half of swedes want to also, as far as possible, buy locally produced foods.”

“– Awareness of the environment and the climate threat has increased – as well as the setting to what you yourself can do to contribute positively, ” says Johanna Sandahl.”