Somehow, they were formerly wild. And clearly frivolous. Anyway, what was there in the air. A certain exuberance, a not of bliss Flirtation. Today, not more. Today there is talk of company Christmas eat Gluten and fascia, and by eleven o’clock all go home, because they agreed the next Morning before work to go Jogging.

Perhaps it has become merely old. Maybe it’s #MeToo. Maybe the Geeks and nerds of debt, the take everywhere rampant, and that the were invited to participate in the school never to Fez, had a reason for that: they simply had no talent for the festivities.

It must not be taken over the Restaurant apart. Or dancing on the tables and the interns pursued. It’s not about Sodom and Gomorrah. But, the Lord God, there are but what is in between. So a reasonable Swiss Central mass, so to speak, that makes the Christmas dinner a cheerful ending to the year.

in order for this to 2018 is again a precious asset, and it falters with this blessed-stupid Smile on his face home, you can contribute personally to something.

I don’t want to to the Christmas dinner, I think everyone in my company stupid. Can I pinch?

of Course. But you should look in the face of this strong inner rejection is not maybe quite the Wide? Presumably, that would be totally win-win, the other you will not be able most likely to suffer also, so you will miss no one.

I want to go! Should I throw myself in the bowl?

But absolutely! Now you show that you can also beautiful, in the sense of elegant that you will have more of it in fashion terms as these lousy Lismer and orthopedically-correct, but unfortunately, visually the sky treads a sad Convenient. The idea of what cool is, who is a cloakroom moderately no effort, or uncool, who does, you can safely forget because that is the summit of the petty bourgeois, and bourgeois is not just the concept, the need to have a lavish Christmas dinner.

Therefore: to get you what Zippy out of the closet. An ironed shirt. A Velvet Blazer. The pants with the knife-sharp crease, or the silk blouse or the laced leather shoes. The main thing is that you make a small Effort. You will recognize: The absence of the Lismers makes your life very much more exciting.

you are Allowed to strike at the aperitif is already full?

you remember what a disaster the spinach fritters extent have last year in your spaces between teeth caught. They recognized the dental Disaster only at a later hour, when they smiled at pretty half-seas over in the mirror in the bathroom, and of course, they had made no man’s attention, not even the CEO, beaming at even so during their rather long conversation. To avoid a similar misfortune, you should drink as a safety precaution, none of this dry aperitif pastries to eat, but happily the alcohol talking, and in between water. This simplifies the conversation enormously, as they spit less, now.

But I can’t Small Talk.

pish-posh. You Can Ask Questions. To listen to you. And you were at least once in a year positively. This means: refrain from Nagging. Ranting and you don’t complain, neither about the company in General, and the chief in Particular, and not about your Ex-husband, who is not the child support out, or the Ex-wife, which deprives them financially. And please, please: Spare the environment, with the detailed health Bulletin of your discus hernia/bowel/Dermatitis.

I’m the boss, and I love to Talk. 15 minutes, Sultanbet however, are not something scarce?

When Talking about inverse proportionality applies: you can win crazy, the less long they last. For you, gentlemen, is this: Hold for exactly as short as they promise, but have never met. Thank you to everyone present for the great work. You, what ever suits say, namely, that it was not an easy year, but it was defied brave the storm. They praise not only a few, otherwise all of the other on the next day, if you have a heavy head, when you make representations and chewing you an ear, perhaps the cry. You want a great evening, raise the glass, and is good.

And then?

Then you are looking, as a Subaltern, as quickly as possible, to a place where you have already discussed in the run-up to a table order that you don’t have to spend the evening with those who talk about Gluten and fascia, and early morning Jogging. Otherwise, the alcohol will be your only friend, and there is the risk that you will fall before the Dessert completely out of the role, you will have to do enough with it to remember the etiquette at the table.

for the Purpose of damage limitation, at least in this respect, a little etiquette here is a quick run through because there are stories of job-seekers whose careers ended abruptly take it just because they are fashion, love moderately on the Stand of a small child verb and not as a virtuoso with a knife and fork, knew how to deal.

what to do with the napkin?

On the knee, folded in the middle. The mouth is swabbed with the inner side, so that you can see the soiled cloth never. When you get Up or after the food comes to you folded the left side of the plate. And just now, in the Winter, the following applies: The napkin is not a gratifying practical, because very large handkerchief. You!

How to eat again the bread rolls?

It is zerzupft! In individual, bite-sized pieces.

you have to wait until all of them have the plate in front of you?

Yes. Because the take in very large companies, but mostly to long, you may get started, when all got on the same table, the corridor served.

Will irritate the little Finger off?


you survived the food, all the cliffs mastered with ease. Now the seats are exchanged, the noise level rises, the cheeks are collectively flushed, it goes on and soon a house. Questions?

Yes! As I am opposed to an unwanted come-on?

you Quote Berben Iris, the recently on daily said, pushy suitor with, “honey, you’re not” in the barriers. A great movement, a world-class set, a set to remember. Always fits, and yet in both sexes. Only the boss and the Boss not. In this case, there’s only one: immediately take flight.

May I offer my boss, You?


Even if I’m older?


not as a woman?


But conversely, I must accept You?

Yes. The Duzerei is a Nuisance, but since they can align anything now. Unless you are really stubborn with all of you, and has always been by you and are considered to be, well, self.

Applies to You the next day?

tired of you. Wait. Maybe you’re in luck.

you Must ask the Boss to Dance? The Boss?

Twice no.

Flirting in there?

But sure. They Make Compliments! But not to; not only harmless Subject and body trainers okay, the mini skirt (nose and ears okay, legs, Derriere, and Décolleté, you will recognize the concept). They are not offensive, not vulgar, and you leave the with this deep look.

I May take up someone’s home?

But sure. Who could have something against passion! The world needs more passion!

I have exaggerated. What to do?

feign death, does not work and would be cowardly. You apologize, look them in repentance (at home practice), and you hold flat in the next few weeks, the Ball. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 02.12.2018, 20:06 PM