the Fireworks that are sold in T. Hansen stores in denmark, has been turned on its head and squashed together, and it can be a danger to the rocket-happy people new year’s eve.

It happens because the fireworks are packaged and transported under conditions that are illegal, believe driver Kevin Munch. He has since 10. december transported the fireworks to T. Hansen, the shops from the fireworks warehouse in Conversation outside of London.

– I would rather not hear in the news 1. January, that the number of injuries from fireworks has increased tremendously and then know that it is due to the scandalous handling before the sale, says Kevin Munch, who now has to put up.

Kevin Munch ran with fireworks, that was not responsibly packaged.

For him, it’s about a bad conscience over the people, it can go beyond. The fireworks, which often conversely, according to him mean that fireworks can ignite wrong. The last few years, there have been several incidents where batteries from T. Hansen has been dangerous.

She got her new year smashed twice by T. Hansen battery.

T. Hansen, the battery split: Here, the fleeing Thomas and family from the shots

Therefore, complained Kevin Munch to LCH Fireworks, which is a subsidiary of T. Hansen, and refused to run with the fireworks, which was not properly packed. But the fireworks continued to be irresponsible packaged. It displays the images taken during the month of december, which Ekstra Bladet has been sent.

the Article continues after the images
Here are the boxes with fireworks squashed together.

Here is facing the boxes wrong.

The yellow marks should face upwards.

the Arrows should be pointing upwards.

Fireworks are so-called dangerous goods and must be packed and handled under the stricter rules. According to the ADR convention shall faremærker and directional arrows facing upwards, and the boxes must be released unharmed and must not be squeezed or pressed.

Kevin Munch considers that the irregular packing is due to the huge work pressure as the employees in the warehouse is below.

– They are totally understaffed in there. The majority of their employees are pulled in from the agencies, so it is clear they do not know the rules, says Kevin Munch.

T. Hansen sells the fireworks in their shops and in tents across the country. It is the dealers ‘ responsibility to the fireworks, there will be sold have not been damaged. Kevin Munch saw daily, that the dealers complained about the fireworks.

– most of them were well sure of it, and I do not believe that you can defend to sell it, when it has been packed reverse. It can go very wrong, says Kevin Munch.

It is the responsibility of the sender, that the fireworks are being transported legally, but the driver must as far as possible, check whether it looks right.

At the agency assesses the department head in Trekantområdets fire department, Trekantbrand, Erik Skallerup, that the fireworks are packaged illegally.

– from the pictures I can see that there is packing in a proper manner. If we control found such a gasket, would the sender get an injunction to make a repackaging, he says.

– Is it a security problem?

The fear is that the gunpowder is ignited, if not it will be packaged and transported properly, says Erik Skallerup.

He mentions the accident at the fireworks factory in Seest in 2004, in which two employees lost a box of rockets that exploded. The fire spread to a container filled with fireworks, after which there was an explosion that evacuated the 2000 citizens in the area.

the Fireworks stored in Vandel is the largest in the country and are shared by various distributors. In 2016, was the good Character that was previously aerodrome, approved to store 500 tonnes of gunpowder. Therefore, they are subject to enhanced supervision from risikobekendtgørelsen. It means that there is supervision of the police, labour inspectorates, environmental authorities, the Danish safety technology authority and Trekantbrand.

It is the police who should supervise the transport of dangerous goods. Vagtchef in Sydøstjyllands Police Lars Grønlund will provide to Ekstra Bladet, police in connection with a complaint to the police has begun an investigation.

– We have continuous control of the cargo of fireworks, and have also been aware of the circumstances around the Conversation. We are investigating right now whether there is anything illegal, ” says Lars Grønlund.

T. Hansen has, after several attempts not wish to comment on the specific accusations, but pressekonsulent Andreas Dyhrberg writes in an email:

‘We are sorry that the driver did not contact us or go to his hauler, which is natural, if one believes that there is an error’.

the Fireworks from T. Hansen have before exploded by the firing, such as here on new year’s eve 2015/16, where a battery ruptures and bystanders. Video: Thomas Pedersen

Community – 3. jan. 2016 – pm. 18:28 T. Hansen-battery split: Here, the fleeing Thomas and family from the shots

Close to As much a servant of T. Hansen-the billionaire with the surprising name