As the first woman presented Wibke Bruhns on 12. May 1971 news in the German TV in the ZDF-show “today”. The journalist died at the age of 80 years.

The first news presenter of the ZDF, Wibke Bruhns, died on Thursday evening at the age of 80 years. This was confirmed by the family of the ZDF, said the station. The 1938 in Halberstadt-born journalist was in the year 1971, the first woman, who presented a news broadcast on West German television. In the GDR this was since 1963, the case. The ZDF-chief editor Peter Frey paid tribute to the Deceased as “a woman with attitude, and the courage of a pioneer”.

As the daughter of a diplomat Bruhns grew up among others in Stockholm, London and Copenhagen. After the termination of their studies of history and political science, she began in 1960 as a volunteer for the “image”. Their training there, they broke off after the East German wall was built in 1961, however, due to reservations against the tabloid and worked as a freelance for the NDR, ZDF, ataşehir escort and the “time”.

Wibke Bruhns was also for NDR, WDR and SWF, and as a book writer.

the middle East correspondent for the “star”

On 12. May 1971 had Bruhns their first appearance in the late edition of the ZDF-show “today” on 24. May in the main news broadcast – at the time a Sensation in the male-dominated German television. Two years, the journalist at the ZDF remained, ending a “stupid” men’s monopoly, as they called it later. Poorly paid work as a news anchor, was she said later. And have you read also not located in texts of other people.

As a journalist and author Bruhns was for several television stations, including WDR, NDR and SWF. From 1974, she wrote for the “star” and later went as a correspondent of the magazine to Israel and the United States. A Geo-Reportage on the Vietnam memorial in the U.S. capital earned the prestigious Egon-Erwin-Kisch prize. After a trip to the private broadcaster Vox, where she presented the news again, was Bruhns 1995 head of the Culture Department at the East German broadcasting Brandenburg (ORB). In February 2000, she became a spokeswoman for the Expo 2000 in Hannover after the world exhibition as a freelance author.

the book about the father

at the beginning of the 1970s, Bruhns in the election campaign for the SPD, which also had a public debate on their political neutrality as a journalist to engaged. Thus, the CDU was upset that she called for at times of their banishment from the screen.

in 2004, presented Bruhns with the title “My father’s country,” a highly acclaimed book about her father, Hans Georg Klamroth, a confidant of the failed Hitler assassination, of 20. July. He was executed in 1944, when Wibke Bruhns, was six years old. The professional and personal memories of her life held in 2012 in her book, “news time”.

In her book, “news time,” said Wibke Bruhns the memories of her life.