The Briton James Le Mesurier, best known as the founder of the Syrian civil protection organization “white helmets”, has been found dead in Istanbul dead. Le Mesuriers was discovered a body early Monday morning in front of his house in the Central Beyoglu district of passers-by. The circumstances of his death are yet unknown, said the office of the Governor of Istanbul, announced a “comprehensive investigation”. Nothing will be excluded, neither suicide, nor murder, or a fall from a balcony from the third floor of the apartment of the British.

The news website Haberturk reported, the 48-Year-old had cut injuries to the face, legs and arms were broken. The door to the apartment, in Le Mesurier lived for four years, was to only open with a fingerprint. Le Mesuriers wife told police she and her husband had taken a sleeping pill, they did not notice what had happened.

consternation in Syria

The Syrian chief of the “white helmets”, Raed al-Saleh, told the British newspaper “The Independent”: “We are deeply concerned.” The private’s civil protection organization has provided in humanitarian aid to Syria, in areas that were not under the control of the Assad government, which has been recently becoming more and more difficult. The volunteer rescuers were attacks to bomb often the first on the spot. In 2016, the organization was awarded with the Alternative Nobel price. Le Mesurier organized in Turkey, the training of the assistants.

The “white helmets” have been supported by various governments. The Federal Foreign office of Germany, called it “a Symbol of hope and courage”. The United States had only said three weeks ago the aid in the amount of $ 4.5 million for the work of approximately 3,000 volunteers, and write to the Organisation to the rescue of more than 115’000 people.

The wrath of the Russian government

were Known to the Syrian first responders through their active Publicity in social media, especially from the East of the long contested city of Aleppo. In their rescue operations, they wear cameras on their body. They documented again and again, the brutality of the Assad regime, and since the active Intervention of Moscow in the war, his Russian supporters.

Russian sources have responded with a campaign of disinformation, with the help of the “white helmets” under was that they were supporters of Islamist terrorists in Syria. As recently as last Friday, the Russian foreign Ministry accused via Twitter Le Mesurier personally, he was a spy that had been used in the Balkans and the Middle East.

Le Mesurier was an Ex-officer of the British armed forces. As the Guardian reported in 2018, he had but only in 1999, in the framework of a one-year deployment at a peacekeeping mission in the Balkans, an intelligence function.

Unsolved murders in Turkey

Le Mesurier had a significant role in the founding of the “white helmets”, he called it a “100 percent Syrian organization,” on which he is “incredibly proud”. In the first Turkish reactions in social media on his death, it was said, no one knows how many agents of the Syrian regime in Turkey lived.

The investigations are: The Istanbul police at the place of residence of the deceased Britons. (Reuers/Kemal Aslan/11. November 2019)

A Twitter user asked: “Why creative die, the peace-loving Syrians in Turkey or be killed?” Since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, several Syrian journalists died in Turkey under uncertain circumstances in two cases, the Islamic state took over the responsibility for a murder.

Created: 11.11.2019, 17:11 PM