the Gold-rush was at its highest, as the whole of Denmark håndboldlandshold was celebrated at the Copenhagen city hall Square on Monday.

About 10,000 danes defied januarkulden to see håndboldherrene on balkonenen.

More arrived at the square with a Flag in one hand and a French hot dog in the other – perhaps with the idea that it is not longer ago than Friday, the Danish national football team ate up the French with the 38-30 and secured himself a place in the final against Norway.

A final, the coach Nikolaj Jacobsen’s troops won with great conviction with a 31-22 in Boxen, Herning.

the Air was full of music, confetti and waving flags from the moment guldvindernes bus arrived from the airport to the town hall square.

Again and again he lifted the front of the euphoric danes, who in sejrsglæde hujede with each time, the gold reached to the sky.

‘We are the champions’, it sounded over the loudspeakers. And yes – Denmark is the masters.

– They have done it before, said not entirely convinced the daughter to her father in the crowd. He had to explain, to be sure, Denmark has won the OLYMPIC gold, but with a world championship it becomes almost not bigger.

A great moment, that without a doubt is the big celebration worth. And there was also more among the screaming fans, who stretched the phone over your head in order to perpetuate the moment.

– Imagine if you forgot it here about a year, said a young man to his companion, who had not gotten the cell phone out of his pocket.

– I do certainly not, he replied smiling.

It excited the audience blew up in the air, as the Danish players and the team behind finally appeared on the town hall balcony.

the Team had to out in several stages in order to be hailed, for the balcony was not big enough for all of them at once.

In the fourth round on the balcony had Mikkel Hansen took his own son by a gold nugget with, he drew into itself. A common ‘nåårh’ sounded among the crowd, followed by a big applause.

the Crowd could not get enough of the new world champions, and the basketball team but could absolutely not get enough of the cluster of fans.

As the door was about to be closed on the balcony, after the team had shown up for the fifth time, stole the coach Nikolaj Jacobsen back on the balcony to get a last image before the menu was on the rådhuspandekager.


Celebrated with champagne

Thorsten Schmidt and his sons Carl of 14 years of age and the Mads of 10 years is ready with guldparykker to accept the medal winners. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan
Thorsten Schmidt, 47 years old, works as a construction advisor and lives in Roskilde with his two children
– It is so great and they played really through. It was great that all the players came on the pitch, so they also got some tv time, now that we were so far ahead. But we now knew well, they would win, so we had the champagne ready. Norway, I was not afraid.

I was also here at the town hall in ’92, but it is certainly not as large. But it was also easier back then. It was a warm summer day, and today it is icy.

bind us together

the Poet Asta Noomi Jørgensen has written a hyldestsang to guldholdet, as she has written on the cardboard. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan
Asta Noomi Jørgensen, 85 years, poet and live in denmark
– It is so great and it means so much that the danes get something positive to gather that bind us together in a completely different way. You dare to say hello to everyone you meet, and everyone smiles and is happy. It is like a beautiful summer day in Tivoli.

– It was as if the team conjured against Norway. It was just as good as when we played against France on Friday. It should be celebrated with gratitude.

special class

Lars Eliasen has armed themselves with warm clothing, and has been clear since at 13 to get good seats. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan
Lars Eliasen, 39 years old, working as a demolish and live in Andover
– It is the national, the here. But it measures itself not with ’92. They came from nowhere. The basketball team but is just a better team purely navnemæssigt.

– Purely collective is a crew in a particular class, so it was not so surprising that they won. They played great. After 11 minutes we had already beaten Norway.

Norway lost the pacifier

Anette (tv.) and the little family composed by Hector at 12 years and Yasmina 46-year-old is ready with flags and headdresses in the Danish colours. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan
Annette Kolstrup, 65 years old, retired and lives in Copenhagen
– I am pleased on their behalf, it is so amazing. It is almost the same rush as in the ’92.

– It was so wild, where the professional, we played. It was as if Norway lost the pacifier completely. I had not expected it of the Danish boys. So it was celebrated with a gin and tonic and a little wine to the food.

Perhaps this is the last time

his marriage to Tina (tv.) and Karina (th.) so don’t fight together, but wrote texting with each other during the whole fight to keep the excitement out. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan
Karina Larsen, 44 years, working as an educator and lives in Holbæk
– It is on a par with the european championships in ’92. They played for crazy. Maybe it’s the last time we will be allowed to win the world championship, so of course we have to stand here and enjoy and feel the atmosphere.

– I saw the match in tv, but I was not exactly built to the screen on Sunday evening. I ran a little nervously around and smoke 15 cigarettes.

Like EM ’92

Pia Andresen and Thomas Svendsen is inside past the town hall every time, a winning team should be celebrated. Finally it was kvindefodboldlandsholdet. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

– It is very large, and this is a celebration. It is just as important as the european championships in ’92. Thomas and I have almost seen all the fighting, and the boys yesterday played better than expected.

– In the beginning I was nervous about whether we would win. Norway may well be tricky technically. And when they also reached the final, they had to be good. So it was nerve-racking, but it all went well.


Nete Krøll was on the square since at 13 to see håndboldherrene waving at Rådhuspladsens balcony. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan
Nete Krøll, 51 years old, a writer and live in Brøndby Strand
– we win gold is fantastic. It is some of the greatest things that has happened in the history of denmark. It can easily measure itself with the EM in the ’92

When I was a little girl, I played even handball in a club out in lakewood, so I’m sorry that I am not, unfortunately, so the fight from the start, because I sat inside at the main Library.