“Ironically, the green liberals!” So it sounds currently, if Green talking about green liberal. At the weekend, the young green liberal party have released their schedule of games for a Referendum against the Expansion of the national roads, the national Council last week, has decided. This announcement fits in with the streets to view the Green not to the attitude of the green-liberal the national – and agglomeration funds (NAF).

thanks to this Fund should always have enough money available to the national road network to continue to expand, eliminate bottlenecks, and implement transport projects in the agglomerations. The people agreed to the NAF 2017. Among the winners of the GLP at the time, in addition to the bourgeois parties. Otherwise the Green. In vain they warned, there would be a “road offensive in the 1960s that transformed our landscapes into Concrete jungles”. The road Fund of the Confederation would be in the future a year to 4.5 billion Swiss francs, a stock, a billion francs more than in the past.

Green throw GLP Wankelmut before

Against this Background, the Green-President Regula Rytz said today: “We are amazed that, of all things, a party that supports the NAF always, now threatens with a Referendum against its implementation.” However, it is nice that the GLP’ve changed your mind.

< a repositioning if you want to know in the case of the green-liberal nothing. "We have not changed the direction," says Tobias Vögeli, Co-President of the young green liberal. His party support an intelligent extension of the road infrastructure, together with traffic-reducing measures. "However, the projects financial and climate are to be politically acceptable." An oversized Expansion of the party reject.

The Federal Council proposes to 4.7 billion Swiss francs for new roads – an amount that the national Council has increased last week to a minimum of 1 billion Swiss francs. “At least” because he began projects such as the muggenberg tunnel (BL) or the highway expansion in the Zurich Oberland projects, which do not apply either, nor as ready for construction, or whose costs are not yet known.

GLP throws Green Car of hostility before

Similar to Vögeli GLP-President Jürg manifests itself the Big one: unlike the Green party, which wool, to restrict the car traffic as much as possible, follow his party, an approach that did not play the individual modes of transport against each other, but eco-friendly wool, for example, with electric cars. “We offer Hand-selected amendments to the national road network, in order to make the road transport more efficient, climate-friendly and intelligent.” However, the national Council have übermarcht. No corrections were made, the GLP was considering “seriously” to support your young party in the Referendum.

The mutual taunts show it: The battle for air supremacy in the ecological camp has flared up in the election year. In the matter, but GLP and Green together. The Council of States should be “similar to the buy-taker”, such as the national Council, will request the party leadership to the members, to take the Referendum against motorway expansion, announces President Rytz. The GLP with parents, the positive.

SP still cautious

Back to the SP. The national Council Thomas Hardegger believes it is questionable whether such a Referendum was to win: “The second tube at the Gotthard greet.” The announcement of the young green liberal successes will be very, very early on, hard to bear in mind, EGGER. He believes that the Council of States will still take corrective measures. The SP will decide when the Parliament had advised the template done.

of course, no support should be expected, the green forces of the SVP and the FDP and also of the centrist parties CVP and BDP. Mobility is a social and economic need, says BDP chief Martin Landolt. It was not, therefore, easy to use, but to make intelligent. “Intelligent mobility is in need of investment in a working infrastructure.” CVP-Nationalrat Martin Candinas can’t take notice of the young green liberal is simply “serious”, “Here is a young party trying like hell to make a name for himself prior to the national elections.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 19.03.2019, 19:59 PM