The Green in the fight against the shortage of housing divided: party chief Habeck defending expropriations as a conceivable means, while Kretschmann of the criticism of Union, SPD and FDP.

Green-chief Robert Habeck calls for a pragmatic discussion about possible expropriations.

Greens leader Robert Habeck in the debate on the housing shortage in his approach, according to which, in the face of sharply rising Rents over expropriation thought it should be. In the info-radio rbb, he is not led, it is about people, the property, to take away apartments, but the reactions there, where there would be achieved a Rent of speculative gains.

On the weekend of the party Chairman had said, it would be absurd, expropriation apply only “to build new highways, but not to the rampant housing shortage.” You could cap the Rent, “but it is conceivable to say that we buy the back, this is not expropriation, as in the GDR, but expropriation against compensation,” said Habeck the info to the radio. The Green-chief urged not to discuss the Problem of “ideological”, but “in a pragmatic and practical way”.

Kretschmann: “nonsense”

Baden-Würtemberg, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann finds expropriation “nonsensical”.

According to the critical Remarks of Union, SPD and FDP was also criticism from Habecks own party, according to the. Baden-württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann said, the debates on the expropriation be “nonsensical”. In the case of such expropriation would have to be compensated with a “gigantic sums”. This money should be put better in the construction of new homes.

More understanding Kretschmann for Habecks Considerations showed in the views of the Baugebot for fallow land. This is regulated in the building act is clear and must be master of the citizens in the country. The law will mention, as a last resort, including expropriation of land and property owners, but he suspect that it was never been used.

CDU: “banal left-wing ideologies,”

The CDU economic Council, criticized the statements Habecks as a handle in the “moth crate of socialism”. Instead of new restrictions for landlords and investors, there needs to be more incentives for new housing construction. “If you want to build, you need land, lower building costs and efficient administrations”, said the Secretary-General of the economic Council, Wolfgang Steiger of the “New osnabrück newspaper“.

Union CEO Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU) spoke of “the banal and the left ideologies”. It was “a pity that the Green would return to the prohibition party,” he said in Berlin. On Monday government spokesman Steffen Seibert stated that Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) oppose expropriations. The Chancellor think that this is “not an appropriate tool to alleviate the housing shortage”.

FDP: “plan economic aberration”

FDP parliamentary group Deputy Michael Theurer, wrote in a guest post for “Focus online”, Habeck bar “deep red aspirations feed”. An implementation of the Berlin Initiative for expropriation, for the on Saturday a petition was started “would be a further plan economic fallacy: even if a compensation is significantly below market price is likely to overextend the financial strength of the state of Berlin,” argued Theurer. But then, it could the cost of housing, not to subsidize and “the Rent would not so fall”.

Green party leader, Anton Hofreiter accused the Union and the FDP, however, “hypocrisy and bigotry”. “In order to enable lignite surface mining, you will have displaced thousands of families from their homes,” said Hofreiter in Berlin. But if it was not so much to create affordable housing, put them on “ideological blockage”.

SPD: “the new building instead of expropriation”

this weekend, the SPD had voted in Director Andrea Nahles against expropriation. In this sense, first mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher (SPD) said. Expropriations were no new housing, said Tschentscher of the “Rheinische Post”. Public enterprises and cooperatives were “strong actors in the new housing construction” and secured affordable housing. “This helps better against housing shortages and rising Rents,” added the Chairman of the Prime Ministers ‘ conference.

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