With long-lasting cheers and a Standing Ovation for party President Regula Rytz have the Green on Saturday in Bern, their victory of 20. October is celebrated. With the success, but also responsibility, stressed Rytz in her speech.

“Now, we are asked,” cried the party President to the delegates in memory. The Greens were now “a people’s party”, the wool, for ecological, social, and Switzerland open to the world. The expectations for Green were high.

With the seat, the Green group will win in the future, at least 30 deputies. New Links will be at the Federal level-in mid-policy. It need the cooperation with other parties, said Rytz.

With the victory, the Green would have received the task to bring the climate policy on net-Zero rate, promote equality and to liberate agriculture from toxic pesticides with the farmers and not at their expense. Also group responsibility and human rights should be a guiding light of Swiss foreign policy.

Rytz paid tribute to all the young people of respect, had worn ecological concerns in the last few months in Switzerland and elsewhere on the road. They have opened up their parents ‘and grandparents’ eyes. The green election victory, but also the harvest for more than 30 years of political work in Switzerland, said Rytz.

Green in the Federal Council

Once more, Rytz, confirmed to the delegates on the choice of Sunday’s call for a green representation in the Federal Council. “With our victory, we politicize is now in a League with the Federal Council, parties such as the FDP and the CVP”, put it Rytz. However, the voters would have known to have no influence on the composition of the Federal Council.

Rytz, therefore, called for a new magic formula. The party will also work to ensure that it’ll be in the Federal Council puts tactical rides during the legislature. Without the premature resignations of Johann Schneider-Ammann, and Doris Leuthard, the Greens had a Federal Council, concluded Rytz.

The Greens are, according to Rytz in “intense discussions” what are the chances for the Greens in the Federal Council election on may 11. December. For details, you could not give the delegates yet known. However, one thing is clear: “Green in the Bundesrat”, called Rytz to the Assembled. (anf/sda)

Created: 02.11.2019, 12:18 PM